Rie Manchotta



5 years, 3 months ago


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Rie Manchotta

Rie Manchotta
16 years
Female (She / Her)

Design Notes

5'3 in height, wears mary janes and a mailman/pelican themed outfit.

The yellow on her head is hair, not a bow. Underside of hair is a bright blue.

Probably based on an emperor penguin. She's as loud as one.


Big headphones




Beach trips


Summer heat



Piling work


Greatest Strength

Her physical energy may be her strength, she's quick to get up and move around, restless even. She doesn't tire easily or sweat much really. She always says the cold doesn't affect her.

Greatest Weakness

She complains a lot during the summer when it's hot, sluggish enough that it drains her energy. Having dark hair, her head warms up fast too unless she wears a hat.

Arlyne (Current)
Arlyne (Birthplace)


She picked up the trumpet at school, but occasionally something comedic happens as she carries it, so she'll play a sad tune. She's considered a class clown for it.


During her winter breaks, she goes snowboarding. During her summer breaks, she goes snowboarding in the mountains...


She's god awful at baking or making complex dishes, but it's undeniable that she's mastered how to cook salmon the best way.

Positive Traits

She's a very eager and friendly person, definitely giving the impression of a best friend that wants you involved in everything they do. She jokes often, is a good listener, and is always up to doing favors for others when prompted.

Neutral Traits

She tries to find humor in everything around her, and even when she's stressed as a way to lighten up the mood. She'll laugh at a rude comment rather than bothering to fight against it, or laugh awkwardly when she's dejected. She brushes off the occasional worry than sulking, a good/bad thing really.

Negative Traits

Her energy might be too much for introverts because she'll get into things without a second thought. She can be troublesome in that she will push past her limits as well, working on something even while sick. Rie is the worst with birthdays to the point of forgetting hers, but that always makes a surprise party all the more surprising!


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Rie's family loves her and treats her well as she's an only child. They smile as much as her but certainly have a calmer energy with age.


Her classmates think she's sporadic and jumpy but not a bad person. Teachers find her restless and distracting when she fidgets in her seat too much.


She doesn't have any specific enemies that she knows of. Older people might envy her optimism maybe.

Rie grew up in a simple but sweet family that made sure she always retained her bright outlook on life. Even if harsh things came her way, even if she tripped and fell or hurt herself, she'd smile through it because she was mostly okay. She never really had anything serious occur where she knew she couldn't smile through, and had a decent upbringing with a number of family and friends around mutually supporting her. However, when she did finish middle school, her father had a work injury bad enough that he wasn't going to be able to work properly in the future.

She tried to lift his spirits by simply staying as she was, smiling, but that might've been the most stressed she'd ever been. She didn't show it to her family, but her friends at least knew of the circumstances. Her best friend Giacomo, a couple years older than her, said if she ever wanted to work in his family's postal business, they'd welcome her with open arms anytime. Financially, she was fine, but she still wanted to be prepared for the future in case anything ever happened to her mother or father moving forward. Determined, she started working around the age of 16.

When she started, she learned to sort mail and figure out what goes where. She was eager to learn, knowing that if she stumbled she'd get it eventually, and she certainly did. As she got older like Giacomo, she accompanied him as he delivered mail to their town. It never felt like work to her if she spent most of the time talking to a friend, someone like a brother to her, so each work day went by quickly.


Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

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∙ She loves going fishing more than she does going to actually swim. She likes to come back with something in hand whenever she goes somewhere, whether its something she catches or a cool rock.

∙ She has two little canines on both sides of her upper teeth, but it's not very visible. An actual penguin's mouth is pretty terrifying...

∙ Rie is so bad with birthdays that she forgets her own, sometimes walking into a surprise party and asking who it's for.

∙ She flaps her arms often when she speaks, like a penguin.

∙ Her name, Rie, is a japanese name that means "value/blessing". Giacomo knows spanish and associates her name with the spanish word to laugh, which suits her still.

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