Appoline Rosnau



5 years, 4 months ago


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Appoline Rosnau

Appoline Rosnau
29 years
Female (She / Her)
Hapkido instructor

Design Notes

5'7. Has a ton of moles around her body, cuts her hair and bangs short and straight.

Wears a lot of crop tops with spaghetti straps. Likes denim bottoms and sandals.

Smiles often, bubbly, very energetic but cool.




Giving advice

Cold food




Slow walkers

Losing small items



Greatest Strength

Appoline is well rounded in many technical and creative areas, from being good enough at Hapkido martial arts to teach it, being able to sew and craft, and she knows a lot about astronomy and chemistry.

Greatest Weakness

She is afraid of needles, of getting injuries, and she is superstitious enough that she fears things that may lead to bad luck. She would not like to travel far away without someone familiar either.

French, Eng
London (Current)
Nice, France (Birthplace)


Having done different kinds of martial arts for years, Hapkido is Appoline's favorite, mastering it enough to become an instructor in the facility that taught her first. She's a very energetic and encouraging teacher. As far as strength, she can throw others over her shoulder easily and kick well.


Before getting into martial arts, she loved drawing and making things herself, from journaling to sewing, to making her own clothes as a hobby. She likes to buy handmade things from others too, an avid Etsy user.

Palm reading

She can't read palms herself, but she gets hers read every once in a while to see where her life is headed. It's certainly full of vague advice and coincidences, but she wholeheartedly trusts it.

Positive Traits

Appoline is a very involved person who likes to include others and cheer on their successes. She's patient with those around her, mostly because she's aware she is fast paced, and always looks for an opportunity to say something funny to lighten up others.

Neutral Traits

She hasn't really had any sad experiences personally, having a good school life, home life, and an easy adulthood because her family was well off and supportive of anything. She makes an attempt to help others who feel down, but knows she can't relate to a lot of things because of her privileges.

Negative Traits

She's air headed outside of her work, where there are no distractions, always over ambitious in her free time. She's too excited by things that she starts and doesn't finish projects, always leaving things behind and making a mess in the end. Her brain is just full of clutter on its own.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Her family is just like her, loud, fast, always up to something new. They like to share a lot of hobbies or go on vacations.


Her students think she gives good advice and teaches well, but occasionally her scatter brained thoughts slip out and confuses others.


Some think she's unreliable because she appears so busy, that she's a hassle to keep up with.


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The following contains mentions of (insert warning)

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

The following contains mentions of (insert warning)

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

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∙ She was an adopted character, although her design is mostly different from her original design. I've kept her brunette hair, excitedness, and that she is basically a city girl.

∙ Her sense of style for decor is all over the place, she doesn't throw things out because she can renovate or use them for something creative. Maybe her room is like the set of iCarly.

∙ Puts lime on everything she eats.

∙ Owns a meme page, it does pretty well but she doesn't like to share her personal life online much.

∙ When she sees comets, she makes a wish. Sometimes she does mistakes airplanes for them though.

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