


5 years, 4 months ago


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100+ years
Female (She / Her)

Design Notes

5'2, short. She's often floating upside down and has very long hair, so she has a "tall" impression.

Her bangs stand up on their own, unknown if she's just affecting her gravity.

Wears silver decorations, says it's nicer than gold.


Cracking joints

Spicy food







Love troubles

Tangled hair


Greatest Strength

She's a god who can manipulate the sensation of falling, and can gain power from the "falling" of humans(negative feelings of falling in love, falling down in life, physically falling). She can affect gravity in a short range and turn others upside down, or float herself.

Greatest Weakness

She's insecure about her height and is quick to react to blows at her ego, even when the timing isn't convenient.

English, dead languages
Wandering (Current)
Greece (Birthplace)


She likes to gather things that catch her eye, sort of like a bird. She especially likes finding objects like cockleburs so she can stick them onto others for pranking reasons.

Hair styling

With the length hers is at and the many years that she's been around, naturally she can practice it easily. She prefers having her hair braided or tied so its not caught in her horns or surroundings. Technically she could trip on it.

Bird watching

She likes birds and animals that can fly, since they're unrestrained and can disregard gravity like her. Birds are also so different by species that they fascinate her more than a human would.

Positive Traits

She's got a strong head on her shoulders and even if she fools around often, she's realistic and level headed where it counts. She won't get into fights she knows she can't win in the first place, and tends to weigh if something benefits her before making a decision.

Neutral Traits

Humans intrigue her but her empathy isn't 100%, maybe its about 50%. She knows their lives being different plays a part, but she also doesn't grow attached to anyone in particular or see herself mourning for humans in the future. They're a dime a dozen in her eyes.

Negative Traits

Koyapse can be immature and bluntly rude towards others, especially hostile to those on her bad side. With Ephialtes it's a sibling-like way of bickering, but with humans there's a complete lack of regard for their safety if they get in her way. She helps Gingko and her group given circumstances, but otherwise wouldn't listen to humans if Merikh and Pagule weren't threatening humanity.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

The other Miseries are like family to her, meaning they let the other coexist but also piss each other off anytime. Some find her playful, some think she's too deceiving.


Humans think she's a force to be reckoned with if she floats, but are surprised she's so small when she actually stands. Her power is still formidable and scary.


Lots of humans hate her for tossing items, or even people, around by messing with gravity. She considers "falling" as an underrated thrill.

Back when she was still contained in the original Pandora’s box in Greece, Koyapse was always considered a free spirit. She would be asked if she had aspirations to be out causing trouble, or if she dreaded being locked forever. Either way, she didn’t care and would go with the flow, knowing within her confines, she could always entertain with the other Miseries. Before three of the miseries ran into a God that reduced them to smaller forms, Koyapse was the shortest of them all, and for years, she wished Ephialtes would get the short end of the stick.

Her freedom didn’t last a long time after the original Pandora opened the forbidden box, eventually captured in South America and sealed by a spiritualist there into a small ink bottle. She didn’t lament that her new prison was even smaller, having caused enough chaos to be tracked down after all, and it certainly was an entertaining time for her. Some of the other Miseries aimed to destroy livelihoods, to kill humans and entire civilizations, some aimed to take over the world itself and challenge Gods. Koyapse had her run manipulating and troubling enough humans, and whether she gained any more power, there was nothing to use it for unless she decided to fight her brethren.

After spending countless years trapped in an unassuming bottle, she was tracked down by Gingko’s group to join her side before Merikh and Pagule could collect her, or Ephialtes’ group. She recalled those three being the most childish, Ephialtes especially having a personal rivalry with her, so if she could cause mischief among those Gods rather than humans this time, she didn’t mind joining a human’s side. Being sealed away was boring, so if she had this chance, she would not pass it up.

To Gingko, Koyapse used her abilities to manipulate “falling” to test and train her briefly, getting her past fundamental human fears of falling and failure, but to work past the fears her fall to love Ijus brought as well. Humans and their mechanisms didn’t make sense to Koyapse, so apart from Gingko, she chose to entertain herself with the other Miseries that joined their faction, including Navy, Reynaru, and Scena.

In the search of the other Pandora’s boxes scattered about, Koyapse one day caught a glimpse of Ephialtes. For old times sake, the two fought, but with Ephialtes being so much shorter than before, their quarrel become more verbal than physical as time went on. Koyapse was glad karma caught up to them, belittling their failure to fight a God, to become bested by them and reduced to such an appearance. While tables turned and things changed on both their ends, seeing one another was very nostalgic for Koyapse.

Learning more about the danger Merikh and Pagule posed to the world, Koyapse insinuated that in the end both Gingko and Ephialtes’ group should work together, but that was up to them to individually mesh well. Either way, she knew they’d run into each other time and again, and even after Ephialtes had fallen more than once, it was entertaining to see them rise each time and grow from the experience.

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∙ Her hair is longer than she is tall, dragging on the ground. Naturally very wavy. The bangs always seem to stand for whatever reason.

∙ Her first design was a pink haired witch OC. She went through many redesigns from a medieval character to the cheeky god she is now.

∙ She has the ugliest laugh for no reason. Probably similar to Rinne Higaki's cackle(and personality)

∙ Surprisingly motion sick if she was to go on a boat, car, etc.

∙ She boasts her divine power like any other God, to be feared, but any respect or idolization throws her off guard and confuses her. It's weirdly humbling.

Close Box

Shanti shanti shanti

Babymetal (music box)