Aiko [15$]



5 years, 4 months ago



Name Aiko Evergloom
Age 16
Gender She/Her
Race Bub-Chi
Role School Girl


  • Romance Stories
  • Constellations
  • Formal Attire
  • Roses!! Reds and Pinks
  • Mothpearls & Kuwiles
  • Electronic Swing Music


  • Arrogant Chis
  • Nerds/Realists (not actual nerds, just what she assumes as nerds skfbbjk
  • Poorly written stories.
  • Confessing,, she's too scared of rejection.

Hopeless Romantic . Ambitious . Haughty

General Info

Aiko is Lune and Juniper's 3rd eldest child, 2nd adopted. The two mom chis felt like their life wasn't chaotic enough, and adopted Aiko when she was 7. She adores romantic novels set in different fantasy places besides the norm, and secretly writes verse short stories, (but never shares them). She wanted to be an actress when she was younger, but now she'd like to be an author with a singing career. 


Aiko is in the equivalent of Freshman year in highschool. She's a A average student who doesn't talk much, and has a ethereal air about her that intimidates her fellow classmates. What they don't know is that she's quite loud and a little self-centered! Primarily idolizing her drama mom Lune, she grew up wanting to be like her, and in the process she became border-line obsessed with romance. She wants the loving and healthy relationship her moms have dangit! But she convinced herself when she was young, that if she's a silent beauty, a handsome chi will notice her (lol). This led to her not really making friends early in life, and limited her social skills, which leads to her not talking much now, because under all that grace, she's a nervous mess!! Won't admit that her current situation is her fault thought, it can't be, right?


Aiko was born into a home that was falling apart and being haphazardly put back together. Her biological parents had been together for a number of years, but they were all growing apart and being together started to be toxic. They still wanted to make it work, and brought Aiko into their lives. This was not enough, and two parents wanted to leave the relationship and start anew and become their own person again. One did leave, but when the other tried, the 3rd parent kept begging and trying to fix things. Long story short, they did stay together and tried to raise Aiko the best they could for a few years, but the 2nd parent needed to get out. 

When Aiko was 3, the 2nd parent spirited her and themself away to their friends home, and put her into the fostercare system (or the Chigon equivalent), so she could get the best care. After 2 years, Aiko was put up for adoption, as the 3rd parent was ruled not in the best of mind to take care of her, and the 2nd parent couldn't care for her as well as they wanted to. The 1st parent could not be found at first, but when was found they signed away parental rights of Aiko. 

When Aiko was 7, Lune and Juniper adopted her, and as soon as she saw Lune, she didn't really like her. Lune reminded her too much of her 3rd parent, so she clung to Juniper for a while. Aiko didn't really like her siblings all to much at first either. She mainly kept to herself and stayed by Juniper. After a few months, she warmed up to Blair. She liked Blair's cool attitude. After that, she started to tolerate Yue, and then finally her other sibling and Lune. By time she was 10, she was very attached to her family, and her dreams of becoming an actress were in full swing.

Aiko doesn't really remember her biological parents much, or anything from that part of her life. She doesn't want to. She does visit the family therapist a few times a month to check up, not needed so many visits anymore as most trauma has been gone through. She would like to meet the biological parent who helped her someday, but she's in no rush.

In freshman year, Aiko is being that local ice queen, when she's actually just covering up shes akward as heck, trying to deny her crush on Alex. Currently she's in her junior year and still has the crush on Alex but now is big crushing on Kaspar


She dreams of being a run away princess that falls in love with the non-prince and be amazing sksksk // Prefers solid books to online books // As an adult, she has a casual singing career on Youtube by doing covers in Chigon and has a book series ongoing.

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