Mora's Comments

Oh my gosh how PRETTY!! Can I take her? I want to make her part of my My Hero Academia universe! I think her Quirk would have something to do with emotions? Ooh, wait, maybe pink and glowy strings can manifest from her fingers and be used like whips!!

Can i claim?

I love her omg

Rosa wasn't always human. She was a simple rose quartz gemstone sitting in the ground until she was dug up. She has been passes from man to man for centuries until a wizard found the stone and decided to take it for his own purposes. His daughter, a spirit blessed (zodiac born) end up messing his laboratory, unleashing magic everywhere. This mistake affected the stone. The spirit magic brought it back to life, forming the stone into a humanoid creature. (OOOH LORE UPDATE FOR MY WORLD) This was the first time spirit magic has created life, and she was the first result of it. They named her Rosa. They treated her like her own, and hid her from humans for her strange appearance.

Centuries past and the spirit magic continued to live within her, despite her not being able to access it, just like subconscious. She has witnessed deaths and new lives. She has made friends and lost them. Currently, she's part of the wardens.