Grey Sight



8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info





Cutie Mark

Three red eyes


Grey Sight






A little shorter than the mane six


"Alicorn" of Vision


Born in Nefertia, the Sphinx kingdom, with his twin sister Angel.

Grey was born a pegasus, though that always seemed like some cruel joke by the gods. He was born completely blind, and with no eyes, he could never use his wings, except as a tool for balancing. His knees were always in bandages from the falls he kept taking, and his eye holes were kept covered by bandages as well, so he wouldn't scare anyone or get asked cruel questions.

Grey studied others while his sister studied magic. His hearing was amazing, and no one really cared what they said around a blind pony anyway. He made friends with a lonely Sphinx called Tut, who is a constant companion.

Grey ascended to alicornhood with his sister. She'd been trying to change his wings into a horn, so he could take care of himself. When he was a pegasus, his cutie mark had been a red X, now it changed into three red eyes. The red eyes also appeared on his chest, and occassionally flickered under his fur.

His wings stayed, though now they didn't function at all. (They functioned before, flying was just impossible due to lack of sight.) And he gained a horn.

While he didn't cause his own alicorn ascent, he did find his own purpose as an alicorn that very night. His horn cast three eyes in front of his head, which gave him sight. Not physical sight, but the sight of prophets.

One eye gazed into the past of other creatures. If Grey wondered who you were, the eye would gaze at you and he'd learn your past.

One eye gazed into the present. It gives Grey knowledge of what is happening right now, though it is limited by the range of a mile.

The third eye gazes into the future. It gives Grey ideas of what is to come, though these images are jumbled and will change depending on any choices one may make. This eye showed Grey that the best place for his sister to learn new magic was in Equestria, from Celestia.

Grey is the alicorn of vision, though he cannot see. And while he'd never tell his sister, the future is slowly driving him mad with its constant changes. None of his visions are visual, but rather spoken to him by the eyes.

Now, Grey is travelling north with Angel and Tut, towards Equestria. As he travels, Grey makes it a point to listen to the medicine ponies who live outside of the towns and learn from them.