Segoe (Former Life)



6 years, 17 days ago


Basic Info

  • Name Segoe Script
  • Called Seg
  • Age at the time 19-21
  • D.o.B. February 27th 1996
  • Gender Female
  • Race Cat Girl
  • Role Mother
  • Soul Trait Justice
  • Theme

Character Stats

Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Patient Restless
Serious Trivial


  • Cold
  • Experimentation
  • Family
  • Cuddles


  • Arguements
  • Being Alone
  • Storms
  • The Quiet

Design Details

  • Height 5'0"
  • Build Small
  • Eyes Blue
  • Skin Tone Pale
  • Hair Color Soft Pink
  • Hair Style Shaggy, shoulder length
  • Demeanor Relaxed, Open
  • Designer Entky



“What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction.”


When Segoe first awoke, she wasn't quite sure where she was. If she was being honest she didn't quite know WHO she was either. She just knew she was cold, and the world around her was covered in white snow and clear blue skies stretched above her. It was then she noticed she wasn't alone, she was surrounded by so many others. They were running around, talking, bothering a pair of brothers or asking a man in a lab coat questions. Her curiousity peaked, she weaved her way through them.

It seemed they were all in the same boat. Many were new to this world, and quite a few were also lost as to where they had come from before, though some had managed to retain their memories it seemed rare. She finally approached the man in the lab coat, noticing he was wearing a mask that completely obscured his features, but when he spoke his voice was clear. They spoke for some time, originally about this world, but quickly disolving into stupid science puns. Segoe almost wondered how she knew what half of the jokes meant, because she did, but she didn't know why.

What intrigued her even more was how comfortable she felt with the man. When she spoke to him it was like everyone else faded away. They were the only two that mattered. Maybe everyone did leave them alone when they spoke, because she certainly didn't remember his attention ever leaving her. She remembered the flirty jokes, the puns, the laughs. She couldn't even remember the conversation ever ending. One moment they were speaking and the next she was waking up from a comfortable place on a couch, a lab coat draped over her.

What greeted her the next morning wasn't nearly as peaceful. There was shouting, anger, something about an experiment gotten loose, and the man in the lab coat no one could find. Tossing the lab coat over the back of the couch, Segoe rushed out of the door. Just... Floating there was a strange man, if that's what you could call him. Skeletal in nature and dressed in black slacks and a black jacket, ribs bare, his face cracked and strange. She felt drawn to him, though she couldn't explain that, either. Many others in the group attacked him, shouted insults, called him such terrible things.

It didn't sit right with her. After all, hadn't this creature just emerged? How had he had time to make such a terrible name for himself. She shook her head and approached him, immediately cracking some dumb joke to get his attention. Her efforts ended up with her thrown into a tree and some insults, but she kept it up. She flirted and joked, teasing the experiment until his own guard dropped, and he laughed at her. Their relationship started off better from that point. He whisked her away, taking her far from the group. He threatened her, tested her resolve, but when he learned she had no intentions of running away, the two became some sort of partners.

She never considered herself a fighter, but she also didn't back down when members of the group came at them. Willing to attack her just for trying to find a different way to handle the rogue experiment, they made an enemy of her and she became willing to do things she wouldn't have usually done either. Anything she deemed neccassary for her and his safety.

Segoe made some bad decisions while teamed up with the experiment, but what could she say? She had fallen for him while they were together. He wasn't specifically melicious, and while they were alone together he was positively darling. Calling her such sweet names and telling her how important she was to him. He was violent when others started it, and it was a trend she soon picked up on. How quickly his personality would change. She managed to get him alone with a few calmer members of their group. A female cat and a girl who seemed to phase in and out of reality. The were both polite and never showed any violence towards the experiment, and he never showed any aggression for them either.

She thought maybe she could convince some of the group that he wasn't so bad, after all others had come to see her and the experiment truely did care for each other. When she approached one of the brothers that were native to the area, however, he wouldn't have it. He told her that no matter the timeline the experiment would throw away everyone to get what it wanted, even her. She grew sad as she listened, but let him say his piece before she said her own. She admitted she loved the experiment and didn't care what happened to her.

She'd stand by him until the end, as long as he'd let her. Even if it ended in her own death by their hands or his.

The brother shook his head and left her to her thoughts. They were both set in their ways, it seemed, neither being quite willing to change their view for the monster they both had seen such different personalities from. It didn't take long for the experiment to visit her again. Telling her he had heard what she said. He joked about a cabin between the timelines for them, and a promise of his affections. He gave her a piece of himself; his jacket, though a new one magically took it's place. Telling her it was a way to make sure the two of them would always be together, and that no matter what happened the next day he wouldn't leave her.

When it finally came down to it, to another fight. The group won. Even with Segoe being willing to fight by the experiments side, he lost. There had been nothing she could do, in the end, as he had seperated her from the group when things got too hairy. He hadn't let her get hurt.

It really did prove to her that the brother had been wrong about the Experiment. It proved he cared.

Most of the group celebrated the defeat of the monster, but Segoe seperated herself from them. A few were polite enough to offer condolences, while the others threw a party, and Segoe slinked into the woods. Once she was far enough from the group that their sounds were muffled and distant, she let herself sink into the snow, sitting beneath a tree. As the cold seeped into her, she clutched the experiment's jacket tightly to her body, trying to shut everything out with the memory of the warmth he had provided.

It didn't take long for her to hear approaching footsteps.



  • “If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.”
  • "I remember every fond memory you've given me. When I- When I promised I wouldn't forget you, I knew it would be an easy promise. I could never forget someone that made me feel like you do."
  • "Happiness? I guess that's kind of hard for me to explain since I didn't understand either, until I met you. It's just- Such a nice feeling. When I'm with you, I feel like I can be content, like you're all I need."
  • “Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.”




[ Husband ]

Sometimes I wonder if the pain of losing you is worth the memories I still cherish. I loved you so much... I'll never blame you for how it all ended, but I hate you because I know I can never see you again, and it kills me.



[ Wife ]

Do you still think of me? Sometimes I think that we are still connected, that I'll turn around and you'll be there. Oh... I miss you so much. You use to call me such sweet things. I never wanted this...



[ Lover ]

I hope someone is caring for you. You always were the one to get yourself into trouble, and I always hoped you'd know you could come back to me- but I guess you can't anymore, can you? Maybe we'll see each other again one day, in another life.