
5 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Bambi.

AKA: Forest Maiden.

Age: 15 (Which is a fully grown adult in their race. Would be around 30 in human years.)

Gender: Female

Species: Mix between two original races, yet to be named.

Bambi is the first and so far only mixed child of a race of forest satyrs in the main verse. She is seen as special to her people, as her mix makes her live far longer than them, but her blood shared with them also allows her to grow and develop faster than humans. Her life span, however, is still shorter than humans, as she is only expected to live to her 50s at the most. Other "gifts" she inherited because of her mixed blood include her body being able to handle harsher weather than her people, without the need of hibernation. She is also more intelligent and is more capable of critical thinking and cognitive reasoning. However, some of the downsides is she isn't nearly as strong as them, and her connection to nature is a lot weaker. 

More to be added later.