


5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Aafke

Age: Looks in her mid twenties 

Race: Half elf

Gender: female

Job: Witch 

Bio: This witch specializes in nature magic anything from making simple recipes to cure something common as the cold to curing long term injuries. The people in town see her more as a doctor then a witch and she does more good then harm to them. 

Her familiar has been a big help as far as she could remember . He was the one to convince the town she wasn’t evil and would do her best to help them . In return though she found herself falling in love with her familiar. The villagers don’t like seeing the familiar so he had to take on a him form to be allowed to stay.  Then what came next was horrible.

Shes been cursed for falling in love with her familiar. The curse involves turning plants into humans when ever she touches them. For this reason she has allowed some of the children from the village to come help her. In return she made a contract with their family to no longer charge them fees for her services. Also can’t cook to save her life.