


5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info








Curled tail (UC)






"If I could, I'd adopt every pup I take care of."

Very motherly, extremely kind and soft. She was adopted into a loving family who raised her to be very caring towards her community and to do all she can to help others. As an adult, she wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do, so she traveled around for a while looking for work, mostly doing deliveries. She came across a little village at the base of the northern mountains and stayed there for a little while. She had heard rumors of a pup they had found in the mountains and she started asking questions. Apparently, in the mountains surrounding their village is a common place for pups to be abandoned by parents who didn't want to raise them. It was unfortunate, and there were attempts to stop the occurrences, but their efforts were in vain. Christmas was deeply heartbroken and swore to herself that she would change the reputation of this area. She used what little savings she had to turn her small house into a small nursery, and every day she hiked to common abandonment areas to look for pups. It wasn't long before she found her first, and she took them back to nurse them back to health. This continued for a long while until she had run out of room. She put up flyers asking for donations and possible adoptees for the pups. It took a long while for her first set of parents to come asking to adopt some pups. They empathized with her cause and knew something had to change, and they wanted to be a part of it. She was beyond grateful and urged them to spread the word about what she was doing. She needed money, medicine, materials, any resources she could get to help the pups that were continuously and heartlessly abandoned. That was the big kickoff of her orphanage.

She officially named her orphanage The Warm Hearth. Over time, more and more people flocked to her little orphanage and helped her expand and supply what she needed. She opened up volunteer opportunities before she could properly pay for extra caretakers. Athena was one of her first volunteers. She had come from a similar past that Christmas had, though much more unfortunate, and needed a place to reside and work. She offered to house her, but couldn't pay her at the time. She swore she would pay her back for every second of help she got. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Christmas also met Curalthea, who was a master at medicine. She was so grateful for her knowledge of herbals and remedies and repaid her in ever way she could.

Now, she has a thriving orphanage with regular volunteers and workers. She's helped host community events, many of which were her idea. Almost everyone in her tiny village has contributed to changing the lifestyle they used to have. Her original goal was just to make the village a slightly brighter place, but she brought her village together in a way she never thought possible.