Lyriel Cynsiege



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info









Magic Type

Void (previously Light)





Lyriel is the noble prince of the Fog Kingdom. He is spindly and nervous in appearance, so many do not take him seriously. This is always their first mistake.

Lyriel is wise for his age, and his rulings are as just as he can make them. He is mild-mannered and speaks softly (if he speaks at all). He also is quite dangerous if pushed to anger, for it takes a lot to truly anger him, and his magical capacity is incredible. He tends not to use contractions in his speech, though sometimes he does. This seems to be a conscious effort on his part to sound more regal.


Lyriel's capacity for Light magic was largely the healing variety. His father, Sullivan, abstained from the throne, and left the family altogether around the time he was born. As such, he was raised by his mother, Queen Aria. He grew up a bright and sunny child, always trying to make others smile. He wished for everyone to be as cheerful as he was. 

This trend continued into his late teens, when he was arranged to marry a princess from the Sidewinde Kingdom. Rosetta was not kind to him, but he loved her, and she thought his eagerness to please was charming, so things were precariously okay. He wasn't truly happy, but things were okay.

Then, on the day of the Summer Solstice Festival, things changed. Both for the better, and for much much worse.

He was 21 when it happened. A mad mage in the crowd cursed him. The curse was of a nature not many had seen, far less understood. It twisted and warped him from the inside out, "sealing" his vocal cords and corrupting his Light magic into something dark, sinister. It would fight with his body for years to come. This alleged "mutation of Shadow magic", darker than anything people had ever seen, came to be known as Void magic.

His newfound abilities were offensive in nature, and he struggled to contain them. As such, he cut off his engagement with Rosetta, leaving her without a route to more power. When his magic built up too much, he would have dangerous outbursts as his body released the excess. He would communicate through writing, being given a notebook and a magic pen for this task.

Desperate for a way to fix his curse, Lyriel found out who the mad mage was. He also found out that there could be someone out there with knowledge of a way to break the curse. So he began to search.

The search took a year to yield any results, and none were favorable. He decided to take matters into his own hands and travel out himself. That was when he met Alistair Boone. 

The innkeeper turned out to have a connection to the mage-- through his late father. Not only that, but he was charming and clever (if absolutely stiff and awkward whenever Fion was around). The prince was smitten practically at first meeting, though it was hard to tell. He took Alistair to the castle, along with encoded texts his father kept, in order to decipher them.

The rest, as they say, is history.