
5 years, 4 months ago


Male turtle dog

Turtle dogs are a closed (for now) species by Dragonologist

Lore on turtle dogs:

The painted or speckled turtle dog is a reptillian egglaying mammal. They live in and around water, eating fish, small amphibians and waterbirds and their eggs. They are around 4 feet long and weigh around 70 pounds. They lay their eggs (around 10) in egg mounts, much like crocodiles.

They have a throat sack which they can inflate to expose colorful membranes and produce a booming sound. This is to mark their territory and for males to show off to females. Males often have flashier colors (Lyle) while females like Jaggy have more earthy colors.

Like crocodiles, turtle dog mothers look after their eggs and young. They fiercely protect the egg mount and once the babies hatch she carries them into the water. She keeps protecting them for about a month after they hatched before abandoning them to fend for themselves. Adult turtle dogs may cannibalise young turtle dogs, especially the adult males.

People in the exotic pet trade are willing to pay a lot for a pet turtle dog, often buying newly hatched young or eggs stolen from the mother. Turtle dogs raised in captivity can be kinda domesticated. They do like to be petted and they come when called by their owners but they are still dangerous as biting is the first thing they do when scared or angry. Their jaws are very strong so this could cost you your finger.

Powder made of their shells is believed to be medicinal (better immune system and anti stress) in some places which is another reason they are poached. They are an endangered species.