


5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

First name


Last name


Goes by







Serious, loyal, sarcastic, secretive


[Main Profile]

First name: Layla

Middle name: Rose 

Last name: Hearthrome

Nick name: Star, Midnight, Starshine, and many other names

Goes by: Star

Race: human

Gender: female 


Birthdate: February 7th

Zodiac: Aquarius

Zodiac Key Words: witty, stubborn, unemotional, sarcastic, aloof 

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 120 lbs 

Extra: she keeps her real name a secret from all but close friends 




Skin color: pale olive

Eye color: purple

Hair color: dark chocolate brown

Hair length: waist length 

Hair style description: long wavy curls, kept either down with the front pulled back or the whole thing put up in a ponytail 

Body build: thin but muscled 

Other: her mana color is purple


Shirt: a royal purple shirt with small translucent ruffles on the sleeves, the bottom of it also flairs out into a short skirt like part

Coat: a long-down to her ankles-dark (almost black) cloak with a large hood

Pants: plain black leggings

Shoes: tall dark brown combat boots with bright purple laces, and brown straps

accessories: just the clasp on the cloak, which is plain silver, unless she uses her gold clasp with her family crest, which she hardly ever does. 


-she wears a black corset which covers most of the "skirt" flavoring from the bottom of her shirt. it has swirling designs, and purples laces. 

-She also wears a plain brown belt pulled around her shoulders and around her waist, on it she carries her swords and small black haven bag (meaning it can hold an infinite amount of items)

Extra: she wears her belt that is connected to her swords over her sholders, but moves it to her waist when fighting for easy access.


[Fighting  Info]

Main Weapon: two scimitars (curved swords) with blades a little longer than her forearm, they have black rappings on the handle and a black strip down the middle

Secondary Weapon(s): she has a bow that is made of dark brown wood, it is about three quarters her height, small enough that when the knees holding it to her face will not touch the ground, it also has swirling carvings

Special Properties of Main Weapon: the two scimitars are enchanted with runes, when the runes are activated they become slightly faster and stronger, it also makes them able to cut things the couldn't before (i.e. Ghosts)

Special Properties of Secondary Weapon(s): the bow makes its own arrows when the string is pulled far enough back, it is powered by mana so it will never run out of ammo 

Preferred weapon type: light swords

Fighting style: she has three main styles;

-The first is a noble style, so it's very stiff, strong, and ridged. In that style she often puts one hand behind her back 

-The second is a smooth quick shadow style, almost the complete opposite of the first, used for stealth and assassination. 

-The third is a sorts mashup of the two, which is what she commonly uses, but sometimes reverts to the second when angry and focused on a kill, and the first when testing or trying to impress

Preferred fighting landscape: forest 

Favorite thing to fight: anything she can tune out while fighting/anything fun and interesting, like a chimera, or dragon.

Least favorite thing to fight: creatures that are strong and fast, basically anything op/things with thick armor and strong strikes

Extra: Keeps a book of magical animals with all their info as she comes to them, she's written the whole book herself over the course of almost 5 years





-cold and calculating


-snarky at times

once befriended~





Personality Test: INTJ-A


-magical animals



-magical items


-magical animals

-trustworthy, honest, and loyal people

-exploring the unexplored

-quiet places



-being clueless



-crowed places

-noisy people

-rude, cruel, or arrogant people 

Happiest Memory: meeting and traveling with her friends 

Unhappiest Memory: coming back to her home after running away, only to find her parents murdered


-never lies

-she pulls her hood down farther for no apparent reason sometimes 


-having something like her worst memory happen again, without being able to do anything, or causing it.

-having a friend corrupted or killed by using or being attacked with corrupt magic (or just corrupt magic in general) 

Pet Peeves: people who take advantage of others-especially for money, when they are rich or can make their own.

Important Experiences: 

-she has been part of many wacky training experiences 

-has taken part in many cultural rituals, lessons. Etc.

Things Associated to Bad Memories: 


-corrupt magic, 

-living/sleeping huge mansions/estates

-any people from her past 

Things with good memories associated to them: 

-her friends


-nature and forests 

Dream/longing: she wants to fly of her own power, not wind, technology or magic (I know, silly dream right?) 

Quote: "My name? You can call me Star" 


[Secondary Info] 

Special/Important Knowledge: 

-at least a little of almost all types magic

-many languages

-cultures and histories


-About Shadow Knights

-corrupt magics repercussions

Special Skills/Abilities: 

Fast and Agile: she can move inhumanly quick, without tiring quickly. She is also very agile, meaning she can jump and spin even at high speeds, retaining accuracy and stamina

Quick Witted: she can think fast in situations with high pressure, coming up with smart remarks or plans to help the situation.

Stealthy: she is very good at hiding, and staying out of sight, especially in dark places. Her stealth is not just limited to hiding however as she can creep around and infiltrate easily as well

Dexterous: she can pick locks, tie or untie knots, or escape bonds with ease

Observant: she is very good at picking up on subtle clues, spotting things that were hidden, or remembering things that other didn't see, or ignored

Poker Face: she is good at hiding her emotions, although this skill becomes more lax as she gets to know the person

Art: she is a great artist, being skilled at drawing, painting, and even singing

Good with Children: she isn't exactly sure why, but children take a liking to her. And she likes them, she knows how to manage them, and make them trust her.

Marksman: she is extremely good with a bow, able to hit extreme targets. She is not known for ever missing a shot when she tried.


Many types of magic from her days as a noble, including;

Elemental Magic: water, fire, earth, air

Teleportation Magic: able to teleport, this uses a lot of mana however 

Rune Magic: a very rare and versatile magic, able to do many things 

Seeing Mana: when she focuses she can see others mana



-poison and drugs 

-mind control 

Drawbacks to powers: 

-teleportation uses a ton of mana

-rune either requires touch or a lot of mana

-no specific skill with any, she average at all of it 


Her Past: she has had a lot of bad things happen to her, and people, places, or items from her past like corrupt magic, her family, etc. can really take a tole

Guns: she cannot use a gun to save her life, not even load it

Greedy: she will change sides based on money, or can easily be bribed 

Truth: she never lies

Corrupt Magic: this explains itself 



Family and Relations: 

-Hearthrome family (a few different branches)

-White mage Felicity 

-the shadow knights (not in a good way)

Parents: Anthony and Sylvia Hearthrome

Special facts about family: it's a noble family

Siblings: no true siblings

Family Deaths: her whole family, and supposedly Tye 

Childhood Friends: Tye. And a few other miscalainous people she met around, an orphan, a shadow, a few faunuses and such. No one she kept around.

Current Friends: her old friends, as well as new who live at the Mafia base

Important Connections: is a noble, knows some important people...

Extra: Everyone thinks she is dead 


Layla lived in a mansion in her parents noble estate. Around her 14th birthdate, she came home to find her parents murdered. She was taken to live at the main Hearthrome estate. 

    Her cousin, Tye was the first person she met her age-that wasn't against her parents rules that is-and he was in that same boat as her, both their parents died. They became close. Like they were like brother and sister. They went through a lot together. 

    Then, when Layla was around 16, she discovered that Tye had begun to use Corrupt magic, and it was turning him insane. He later burnt the estate to the ground, and Layla was forced to start again.

    Not knowing what else to do, and having extreme knowledge of magic and stealth, she became a mercenary, doing jobs for money. And making a name for herself, not under Hearthrome that is. 

   After a job gone wrong, her friends found her, and got her out of her mercenary life, they mentored her, and traveled with her. they were her first true friends outside the family

After about a year, the group disbanded, and went their separate ways. So Layla took up residence in Brightlocke, making new friends.

((Look I know no one will read this whole thing, but I decided to put it all anyway))