Oiva Illes



5 years, 4 months ago


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Oiva Illes

Oiva Illes
16 years
Female (She / Her)

Design Notes

5'3, wears dress shoes and loafers. Style is old fashioned, lots of embroidery, and warm colors.

Has a short brick red haircut with curtain bangs. pomegranate leaves sprout on her head but she plucks them off.

Wears glasses that Elodie's grandfather wore in his youth, her vision isn't very good after staring at screens often.


Web design



Big windows






Wrist pain


Greatest Strength

Oiva spends a lot of time on her laptop learning about programming in addition to connecting with the world that way through her blogs. She is good with technology and is also teaching herself french.

Greatest Weakness

She doesn't like to look at very bright/saturated colors or screens, easily susceptible to eye strains. Typing away also makes her wrists and back hurt every once in a while.

Finnish, French
Finland (Current)
Finland (Birthplace)


She can conjure up and code different kinds of sites and programs on her own, self taught and still learning. She is already certain she enjoys it enough to become a developer or programmer in the future.


Like the other mandrakes, nothing beats being out in the actual sun, so Oiva likes to take breaks from her digital endeavors by going out for picnics and chatting with her family.


Whenever she remembers to do so, or if a memorable event happens in her life, she decorates pages of a journal and writes a bit. Inspired by junk journalists, her journal is full and there are all kinds of things hanging out between pages.

Positive Traits

Oiva can be remembered as a selfless person, often willing to do things for others when or when not asked to. She's considerate enough that she always wants to know others' inputs before making decisions, somewhat of a pushover, but she knows that those around her are kind to her in return for any unconditional acts of kindness.

Neutral Traits

She is very timid by nature, so some think she's being antisocial, but she's just used to finding solutions on her own so she doesn't "trouble" others by asking for help. Some think that her shy qualities are charming, not that she would agree.

Negative Traits

She has an overthinking habit that gets in the way by amplifying small things she worries about, whether emotional or work wise. She can overlook one thing and feel that an entire project could fall apart, but that's only if she actually gives up on her own terms.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Her family thinks she's a sweet person, but someone that has a lot of growing to do in her shyness. They know she'll do great things.


Many don't meet her because she doesn't like to talk to strangers and stays in the background of social situations. Very shy impression.


Doesn't really have any enemies.


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Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

Vivamus ut commodo purus. Nullam in consectetur nisl. Donec et libero non nulla aliquam maximus nec ac tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque dignissim, risus vel molestie fermentum, diam ex mollis lacus, sit amet accumsan ante orci non lacus. Morbi placerat sollicitudin dui quis cursus. Duis eget commodo magna. Nunc sollicitudin nec nisi sit amet luctus. Ut id sagittis lorem. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse ullamcorper lobortis magna ac porta.

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∙ Very picky eater, in loaded meals, she tends to pick out the things she doesn't like and hand them off to her siblings who like it.

∙ Her hands fidget a lot and she feels the need to hold onto things while talking, by gripping her clothes or folding arms.

∙ Her posture is pretty bad when sitting, so she pasted a small sticker of a shrimp on the corner of her laptop screen to always remember to check herself.

∙ Becomes motion sick easily in cars, trains, etc.

∙ She is still scared of the dark, there's been many times she run into her siblings in the halls and she screams louder than they do.

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