
9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Mixed fox


Adult (23 human years+)



Hidden Detail

Bilaterally deaf, severe hearing loss in left ear and moderate hearing loss in right ear.



Font Colour


Theme Song

So Close - Jon McLaughlin


Benjamin the ring-tailed lemur


In her older form, it's easy to see that some changes have occurred in Rhea's appearance - as well as her attitude towards life and her personality. This has largely been a result of a few years of looking at how various changes have come about, and an acceptance of the fact that the past can only really guide you in terms of experience, rather than being something to hold onto.

Now an adult, Rhea is more self-aware and able to think on her feet a lot more. Her independence has grown, and whilst still limited to a degree, the desire to stretch her wings once again is never far from her thoughts - which unsurprisingly explains the development of a wing pattern on her shoulder and back. She's more confident in her abilities, and feels able to let go of the things that once troubled her, although there are still times when she struggles to separate emotions from an activity. Nonetheless, it is safe to say that she has matured a lot as a result of these developments, and is able to accept the problems she faces with a lot more grace.