


5 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info:


Name (First, Middle, Last): Reyson

Gender: M

Age: 24

Race: Human/Warlock

Date of Birth (MM/D): 8/9

Occupation: N/A

Relationship(s): N/A

Personality: Arrogant, deceitful, charmer, seraphic, strong

Hobbies: N/A

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Family: N/A

Bio: Reyson is a selfish person who shows his dominance off to people whether it's pleasing women or showing off his magic capabilities. However, he wasn't always like this. At a young age, he was only a human who loved to entertain people. Everyone loved him and the things that he does. One day, a mysterious white-hooded mage came along. Reyson accidentally caused trouble for the mage who overreacted and placed a curse on him. This curse gave Reyson sentient tattoos known as taboo tattoos which ingrained into his body and gave him magic. Not just magic, black magic. The overwhelming amount of power he obtained changed his demeanor completely and he became the scumbag that he is today. Though he's mostly seen as an arrogant person, some people had witnessed him doing good deeds. However, he rarely does good deeds as the taboo tattoos dislike such actions and cause him pain as punishment.

Physical Appearance:


Height: -

Weight: -

Skin color: -

Hair color: -

Eye color: -

Markings (Tattoos, scars, etc.): -

Attire (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.): -

Accessories (bags, jewelry, hat, etc.): -


Other Info:


Image: -

RP Type: -

Date of Adoption: 1/27/19

Obtained?: Through a raffle

Personal Comment: I absolutely love him~ <3 Mmm, I can't wait to get some stuff set up for him. He's such a smexy boi who needs lots of attention~ eue