
9 years, 3 months ago




Adult (but forever young at heart)
Human / Corgi

Celest is quiet, but likes to think of herself as having a big personality that has yet to be discovered. An artist by heart and trade as a human, Celest is very much her own girl and will keep herself away from crowds. Her only real way to express herself in full is by her brightly coloured hair!


With two forms, Celest would have probably hoped to have been represented by a more average height on both accounts. Unfortunately however, her genes haven't allowed for such a result. Short, but petite, Celest is extremely self-contained and doesn't like to make a big scene or drama out of many things. She takes a long time to open up to new people, but prefers to be left to her own devices to learn new things, or make new discoveries. She loves to express herself through creative means whenever possible.








  • art and design
  • stargazing and astrology
  • beaches & summer themed things
  • trying new hair colours and styles
  • girly things & glitter
  • shouting
  • heights
  • being alone in the dark
  • being mocked for being short
  • large crowds
  • attention to detail
  • creativity
  • flower-arranging
  • empathy
  • low maintenance
  • photography
  • art
  • discovering new things
  • sailing
  • fashion

"Be your own kind of beautiful."


Canine Form
Celest is far from your average corgi, with bright and vivid markings strewn across her body. Proud of her individuality, her style certainly makes up for her short stature, and gives her the opportunity to be loud within a quiet and timid body. To say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover would perhaps be quite apt for Celest, however certain parts of her personality are certainly hinted at by her design.

A fan of stars and astrology, Celest has certainly got her own stars to count on her. She feels that they serve as a lucky charm for her, although she is often quite clumsy. She will blame all clumsy moments upon her short legs however, as well as being unable to see as much as a dog with a significantly taller body. Being short certainly has its perks however, and with being short it has presented a self-perpetuating sense of cuteness.

Human Form
As a human, Celest hasn't escaped being short. She is a small and petite girl, who has a passion for creativity and design. Her day-to-day outfits often focus upon being practical for creative opportunities, favouring loose jeans and tops which enable her to be comfortable in any position - this certainly comes in handy when she is looking to take photography, or suddenly gets inspiration for a new painting project. When possible however, she loves nothing more than to curl up on a sofa with a mug of tea or coffee, and being comfortable within her PJs.

Any opportunity Celest gets for new hairstyles she will happily embrace. A fan of home-dyes, she does her best to save money by doing her own hair and playing with the options to hand. Her favourite colours tend to be bright pinks and blues, however she has been known to go for darker shades to see how it looks. She finds hair is her way to bring an individual approach to her style, as she dislikes the use of heavy makeup as she fears it doesn't look as good as she would like it to.


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Born to a happily married couple, Celest is the youngest child, and certainly spent most of her childhood being mothered by both her mother and elder sister. Although the family were close, and rarely had significant arguments, Celest always struggled to succeed in her sister's shadow. Being the second to everything in terms of life-goals, Celest found herself wishing to be left alone more and more. It was only her creative mind that really enabled her to find her own way to progress and achieve something different to her sister, but she often finds herself questioning whether this was something her parents truly supported. Being an artist has many opportunities thrown at you, but it is also a hard career to be successful in.

As a teen, Celest spent more time hidden away in her room sketching comics and pictures of her imagined creations. Also a confident writer, she would often be found with notebooks that had new concepts and stories scribbled inside, and a whole array of new character creations and concepts alongside. Unable to really find her place within the world of written work, Celest opted to try and use her written work to accompany her painted works. Her dream is to one day be able to produce her own series of comics, and to have success within the world of media.

In order to try and keep herself afloat financially, Celest has been successful at showcasing her art in a few local galleries. Through the odd purchase of a piece of her original works, she has been able to slowly create a home for herself within a flat at the centre of town, approximately 90 minutes from her hometown. Her parents check in on her from time to time, and will do their best to support her financially, but with her sister managing a successful career in banking, she finds herself wishing that she had chosen something more financially rewarding as her chosen career. Unfortunately with such careers, one certainly has to be capable and confident with numbers - Celest, though intelligent, has never been able to succeed with this area of life. She would rather pen several essays about literature and/or scientific theories than have to know how to manipulate a formula of any kind. In many ways she struggled at school because of this, but through determination and hard work managed to get decent enough grades to enable her to move on in life without too many obstacles in her way.


  • ● Some of her photography has been featured in a handful of popular magazines, however the vast majority have remained uncredited - some of these are by choice.
  • ● She lives in central New York, and has a flat that was kindly given to her by her sister, and paid for every month through her own means and with some support from her parents.
  • ● Whilst comics remain her passion, Celest has also considered the possibility of entering the world of fashion and has several outfit designs hidden away in her shelves.
  • ● She is extremely naive, and often will believe anything that is said to her. As a result of this, she is a firm believer in horoscopes and fate.
  • ● When she was 13, she had a very brief goth-phase. She cringes to look back at it now.
  • ● She has no piercings (yet) but is toying with the idea of one in her nose, and possibly her ears.
  • ● She is afraid of needles and blood, and as a result of this will sometimes panic if she is in a hospital.

profile html by Hukiolukio (based on colorful and RPG profile templates)