
9 years, 4 months ago




Balinese x Burmese

Although just a feline, Farsi has made a name and reputation for himself as a skilled assassin, with many connections to a wide range of individuals. His price for such a job isn't dependent upon the amount of money that can be given to him as a reward, but instead the reasoning behind it.


Not a fan of conversations with no end or reason behind them, Farsi can come across as quite an aloof and rude individual who has little time for the smalltalk of others. He certainly favours his own company over that of others', though certainly has made a few companions over the years. Such companions tend to share similar interests as him, for example with a passion for martial arts, though he is also a fan of discussions about battles and combat. With the nine lives still raring to go, Farsi is keen to ensure none of them are wasted on anything for too long.








  • Sunbathing and warm weather
  • Martial arts
  • Solitude
  • Rock/Metal music
  • Science
  • Being a small feline
  • Having to go first
  • Smalltalk
  • Being bored
  • Time wasters
  • Skilled at ninjutsu
  • Quick thinking & reactions
  • Stealthy
  • Short distance sprints
  • Climbing
  • Martial arts, e.g. ninjutsu
  • Reading non-fiction
  • Practicing stealth techniques
  • Practice battles
  • Music

"Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless."


They say actions speak louder than words, but in Farsi's case he really is more about talk than what he is able to do in terms of power. Despite being an efficient assassin and extremely quick and agile, Farsi's somewhat limited to what he is able to do as a result of his height. Being no larger than an above-average house cat, his size certainly can result in many being quick to judge him as incapable of being tough. Unfortunately he is more than happy to try and prove someone else wrong on this count, but suffice to say there really is a limit on what can be done to instil fear in others when you are small.

Being a cross between two cats has definitely brought some benefits to his life in terms of his physical appearance. In some ways many might think he can be quite proud of his appearance as well, which certainly fits in to the common stereotype of a feline being well groomed! His fur is quite long and silky in texture, with a fine cross between light and dark browns which seem to radiate warmth from the light. This certainly makes him eager to try and avoid getting too dirty when out and about purely because of how much effort it can take to maintain, but with his pride in appearance comes the benefits of keeping himself looking good. In his eyes he is quite the charmer, and thrives upon the attention of others to confirm his worth.


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Farsi's lifestyle as an assassin/ninja certainly came about from an early age. With a keen interest in trying to wriggle out of unwanted situations (particularly the unwanted attention from his mum, ugh, gross!, he soon found that he was extremely agile and able to move quicker than most. His attempts to practice these skills were of course limited to the targets he was able to find, and in the original home of a farm barn, he was mostly having to keep an eye on the mouse/rat population instead of any larger targets. Plus, with being so small as a kitten, he also had to use that agility and ability to move into small places with speed to ensure he didn't end up being served up as a treat for the neighbourhood owls.

Once large enough to go about his life without being fearful of being bait for someone else, he soon began to train properly in the way of the ninja, and picked up his interest in ninjutsu by chance. With a natural ability to adjust to the moves of this particular martial art, it certainly wasn't long before he found himself mastering many useful techniques for his later job as an assassin. He didn't just stick to ninjutsu either (though it was by far his favourite) and soon developed interests in many others as well.

Living in the city as an adult meant there were many opportunities for him to score employment opportunities. At first he was unable to be picky on his missions, and had to essentially go for anything that was offered to him. Gradually, as his name became more renowned and admired, he was able to pick the jobs himself and decide what it was that he wanted to do with the skills he had honed. He even managed to join a small group of others who were like-minded and appreciative of skills for combat, which soon became fondly known as the Night's Watch. Though not everyone in this group were assassins, all of them shared an enjoyment of dishing out revenge to those deserving of it, for a multitude of reasons. With their combined skillsets and abilities they were soon able to use their members' combined forces for many positive reasons as well as some well-needed revenge fights too.


  • ● As the name suggests, Farsi originally hails from a middle-Eastern background.
  • ● Despite thinking he has a way with the ladies, he has yet to successfully woo a female and be able to call their time together one of love and romance. In all honesty though he's probably glad of the latter part, as he is not really interested in the more soppy-side of relationships.
  • ● Although he is extremely capable of ninjutsu, he is unable to call himself a black-belt as he has been unable to train for such a title. One of the downsides of being a feline for sure!
  • ● The dagger he wears upon his neck is a reminder of his profession. As a small kitten he would actually use this knife as a weapon, though it is now much too small for him!
  • ● He is, ever so slightly, short-sighted however feels self-conscious about admitting to this.
  • ● Farsi actually enjoys swimming and is quite proficient at it as well.
  • ● Though a carnivore by nature, he greatly enjoys fruit!

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