Trade's Comments

Does anyone on my open for offers folder interests you?

Hi there! Unfortunately I didn't see any that caught my eye, but thank you for the offer! ;w;

Anyone from my th?

I'm sorry, I didn't see anyone I could use!

Hi there! Apologies for the late reply, I was considering this offer. For this lad I'd prefer to look at design trades, but I'd be willing to accept your offer for him! Would you be willing to draw this lad? Something small is fine. Feel free to PM if that's easier. <3

That's totally understandable! And that sounds great, I'd love to draw him for you! I'll have something to you soon ♥

Thank you kindly!! <3

Sent a chibi your way! I hope you like it! I can draw more if you like, just lemme know. ♥

He's so beautiful...!! T^T That's more than enough honestly, thanks so much!! I really love it. I've sent the deer lad your way, I hope you enjoy him!

2 Replies

Hey, if there’s anyone here you’re interested in i’d love to trade u^u

I also do art trades!

Apologies, nothing caught my eye too much but thank you for offering! <3 

Np, thank youu I'll shoot my shot :> anyone here? (I think only the bard hits your offer tier but his hair might be an issue) i could also recolor him to fit whatever works best if you're interested but totally understand if you're not ^^;

Hello! Thank you for offering; I'll have to pass as they're not quite fitting for my personal world's guidelines, though I will say their designs are beautiful, so colorful. I wish you luck with your trades!

haha not a problem n_n thank you and best of luck!