


5 years, 3 months ago


♛ Basics
Name Sootwander
Gender Molly
Age 19 moons
Past Names Soot, Sootkit, Sootpaw
Rank Warrior
Sexuality Bisexual
Mate No one
Kits None
Siblings None
♛ Personality

Sootwander is a generally optimistic cat. Having not known her family for most of her life, at least that she can remember, she always tried to look on the bright side of things because she knew her world could end tomorrow and she wanted to be happy. Because of this, she can often times be overly nice or childlike since she is just living her best life. She would do anything to defend those closest to her, even at the cost of something for herself. She can be overly flirty sometimes with good friends and first impressions.

Although Sootwander is a very optimistic cat, when needed she can snap into someone you might not even recognize if the situation called for it. Due to her lack of parental upbringing, she can sometimes lash out and be extremely aggressive. She can be quite impulsive in her decisions and often needs a voice of reason to come to her. She doesn't insult people, unless it's called for.

♛ Appearance

Sootwander is just slightly above average height for a cat, and is decently muscular. She has a thick, medium length pelt that is a mixture of grey and white. On her head from the incident, she has a large scar on the right side of her head leading from her temple and just in front of her ear to the end of her cheek. Her eyes are a striking yellow-green.

♛ Likes
rolling in dirt
riding large farm animals
bothering her friends
oak leaves
♛ Dislikes
rocky water shores
being called a trophy wife
aggressive parents
♛ Details
♛ Backstory

Sed rutrum purus sit amet malesuada ornare. Mauris bibendum consectetur diam sit amet hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec luctus et neque quis consequat. Maecenas rutrum neque purus, at molestie nisl finibus eget. Sed ac ullamcorper eros, suscipit tristique diam. Curabitur id ultricies lorem. Proin semper faucibus mauris, ac ultrices diam venenatis at. Nam iaculis cursus purus id auctor. Vestibulum pellentesque auctor eros, sed aliquet erat. Morbi non eros at metus lobortis tincidunt.

Quisque ut dolor dapibus, gravida eros ut, tempor libero. Sed rutrum vehicula nunc, quis vehicula justo pretium non. Sed et ultrices leo. Suspendisse felis nibh, sodales sed consequat ut, consectetur id leo. Phasellus suscipit porta libero ac mattis. Praesent in dolor sed dolor iaculis imperdiet laoreet vel enim. Aenean vel quam tempus, bibendum leo id, consequat lectus. Nam condimentum metus vitae facilisis pharetra.

Fusce consequat tellus sed justo feugiat faucibus. Aliquam a convallis nulla. Etiam lacinia dolor felis, ut semper orci ullamcorper vel. Cras sed finibus risus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.

♛ Relationships
Granitestar [ Father/Positive ]
Azaleabreeze [ Mother/Neutral ]
Albatrossfrost [ Best Friend/Positive ]
Snpaneck [ Friend/Positive ]
♛ Trivia
● kek
● Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.

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