Icarus's Comments

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hello !! i'd LOVE to take your offer for some art and this character !! what would you offer art-wise for this character ? c: i adore your art so much oh my !!

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ah, awesome !! feel free to send this character over, and i'll mark the character as pending for you !! <3
i'd love the fullbody of ramilla romance and the headshot of jamboree !! they're both pinatas like from viva pinata! <3 both are happy and excitable boys who love riff raff and being happy! feel free to ask any questions/need a change of characters, etc., and if this is all okay, i'll mark the character as pending for you ! c:


Dang I can offer ocs or art, I'll show examples if my ocs don't interest you ;w;


ahh i didn't see anything i was interested in !! your art's cute but i think i might pass this time ;w; thank you though for your offer !! <3


Alrighty, I can offer points hhhh

it's fine if not accepted :')


ahh i'm sorry, but i think i've found another offer ;w; thank you for your offer though !! <3