07. Cherry [Chi]



8 years, 2 months ago




 I allow myself to get attached too quickly; I'm my own worst enemy. ❞





Cherry Faye [Often goes by "Chi"]



AGE ||



Luxray [Recieved as an Egg]








Cherry is a physically smaller girl, standing at a modest five feet, one inch. She has a sturdy, fairly average build, though her body does not have much physical strength. Due to her shy nature and lack of contact with those from outside her hometown, Cherry has a naturally soft voice [mostly from lack of use] and a light [and worsening] stutter. These imparments cause her to mostly speak only out of necessity, as she is indeed embaressed by them. This isn't helped by her social anxiety either, which just causes her to be further removed from society. Cherry likes Pokemon much more than she likes people.

Cherry has light-lavender hair, though it's unknown if she's dyed it or if the coloration is natural. It's certainly one of, if not her most distinctive trait. Her eyes are of a darkened purple hue, matching her hair quite well. She actually can't see all that well, especially in the dark. That's part of the reason that Luxray is her partner Pokemon; they're known for their excellent vision. Her Luxray often serves as a guide when her eyes cannot sufice. Cherry has very pale skin, generally thought to be caused by the fact that most of her childhood was spent indoors. Her poor vision is also blamed on this, as her eyes were never really exposed to bright sun-light as a child.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed erat lorem, blandit non augue a, molestie fermentum risus. Curabitur vitae blandit erat, ut aliquet justo. Nulla pulvinar quam sit amet pellentesque lacinia. Vivamus eu risus eget magna finibus consequat. Etiam euismod velit vitae elit aliquet posuere. Curabitur lobortis nec tortor vitae consequat. Integer non sapien augue. Nullam porta augue id sapien egestas, non semper sem efficitur. Donec fringilla arcu a purus tempor mollis. Donec ultricies pretium cursus.




✔️ ||

One, Two, Three, Four

✖️ ||

One, Two, Three, Four






 NAME1 || 
 Relationship Status 

   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed erat lorem, blandit non augue a, molestie fermentum risus. Curabitur vitae blandit erat, ut aliquet justo. Nulla pulvinar quam sit amet pellentesque lacinia. Vivamus eu risus eget magna finibus consequat. Etiam euismod velit vitae elit aliquet posuere. Curabitur lobortis nec tortor vitae consequat. Integer non sapien augue. Nullam porta augue id sapien egestas, non semper sem efficitur. Donec fringilla arcu a purus tempor mollis. Donec ultricies pretium cursus.



 NAME2 || 
 Relationship Status 

   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed erat lorem, blandit non augue a, molestie fermentum risus. Curabitur vitae blandit erat, ut aliquet justo. Nulla pulvinar quam sit amet pellentesque lacinia. Vivamus eu risus eget magna finibus consequat. Etiam euismod velit vitae elit aliquet posuere. Curabitur lobortis nec tortor vitae consequat. Integer non sapien augue. Nullam porta augue id sapien egestas, non semper sem efficitur. Donec fringilla arcu a purus tempor mollis. Donec ultricies pretium cursus.





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