Angel Aura Quartz [25$]



5 years, 4 months ago


  • Angel Aura Quartz
  • Sexless (She/Her)
  • 6'2
  • Gem
  • ?


A quartz soldier that has a strange power, Angel has the power to cause frightening hallucinations for those who looked directly into her eyes. The hallucinations varied between all life forms. But they usually had a theme, loved ones, greatest fears, and herself. These hallucinations had a very high chance of corrupting gems. Organic beings that look into her eyes go crazy, and forget who they are, and what they have lived through. 

Gold Diamond, having created this quartz, condemned her to the Misfit ship. Worried that she would corrupt her soldiers and would rather have the misfits corrupted if that were to happen.

Angel is very motherly to the other misfits, she often plays games with them but other times she walks around like an aimless ghost. She actively and takes care of Alexandrite, as if they were her child.

When she has to talk with gems from outside the ship, she is diplomatic and strong. She often has to remind gems that she can't see.

"I can only see the good in others."

Design Notes

  • Her eyes are pure white, they do not always glow.
  • Her teeth have a gap in them.
  • She goes out on her own sometimes, secretly. (She goes out to help other alien races. Sometimes it's helping them out of a ship crash, other times she is freeing hostages.)
