Galateia's Comments

Hey!! I don’t mean to bug you, apologies if you hate unsolicited offers, but im suuuuper interested in this design if you’re willing To part with it! If not, no worries, you can ignore! x3

Been getting (what I would consider) a lot of those in the last 24 hours lmao 

But on this one I don’t mind. 😌 What are you offering? 

Oh gosh! I had no idea, sorry to add to that AKSKKFKF

if you paid money for this design I can pay the same amount. If it was gotten through art or trade, I can offer a chibi or two! Or u have other types of art if you'd rather see

I do have characters in my trade folder but I know they are spectacular 

lmao it's no worries, you could not have known.
This is just all.. interestingly timed is all.

Anyway. I got them through trade... If you'd be willing to do 2 chibis I'd be super down to trade. I see you've done chitters before...   

Yes I have!! I can do that for you! :D just let me know who you want drawn! I work full time and I'm moving by the end of the month so my turnaround time is slightly chaotic. I'm usually quick and prefer to get done within a week but I can't imagine more than a month. If that's okay with you! 

I don't mind a wait so that sounds fine!

I'd love for you to draw these two

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