Curwen Plitowsky



5 years, 4 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Curwen 'Danail' Plitowsky

Alias: Curwen

Nickname: Owen, Danny, 

Title: Tech Wiz, The Kid with Drones, Shield Lad

Gender: Male

Species: Anthropomorphic/Raven

Age: 21

D.o.B.: 28th August

Sexuality: Straight

City of Birth: Unknown; he was found on the doorstep of the Plitowskys on one stormy night.

Currently lives: Narsanial's Mansion, Pei-Ning

Languages Spoken: Spagonia Russian, Spagonia English, Chun-Nan Chinese

Relationship Status: Single.

-Physical Appearance-
Height: 3' 5" (1.05m)

Weight: 66lbs (30kg)

Hair colour: Almost Black

Eye colour: Sunflower Yellow

Feather colour: Almost Black; Beak and talon colour are jet black in colour, much darker than his feathers.

Hairstyle: Short and layered; uses a bandanna to keep it from fallling over his eyes.

Tail: Knee-length, capable of spreading out into a fan if needed.

Tattoos: Has the words "In hope we trust." on his left upper arm.

Piercings: None.

Scars/distinguishing marks: None.

Frequently worn Jewellery: None.

Smoker/Drinker: Yes / Nope.

Drug User? Which?: Nope

Addiction(s): None.

Allergies: Pollen from a particular plant native to North-eastern Spagonia.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: His right eye is affected by short-sightedness.


  • Quiet: Doesn't talk a lot. If the topic is about machines in general, he would be greatly invested in the conversation.
  • Observative: Often mumbles to himself the state and condition of machines he's come across. He does this out of habit to remind himself of what needs to be done, and it helps to keep the silence at bay.
  • Calculative: He grabs opportunities whenever they present themselves, knowing that there's no turning back once a decision has been made. He's pretty confident when he wants something done efficiently.
  • Socially Awkward: He spent a lot of time around studying the intricacies of machines with the Plitowsky family, so being social isn't something he's good at. He tends to distract himself with books whenever possible.
  • Apologetic: He's fast to deliver an apology when he thinks he must've messed up, and is even faster in his attempts to make it up to those he thinks has wronged, even when they convince him otherwise.
  • Helpful: This boy is ready to aid those who need his expertise with machines in general. Even if it is out of his expertise, he will try... by supporting from the side and deliver any tools the real experts need for the job.
  • Optimistic: Prefers to see the good side of life than to sulk. He has trouble handling negative influences, preferring to avoid them than to deal with them.

Likes: Machinery (fast-moving vehicles and robots of mass-destruction included), electro beats, strawberry pie, his workshop, putting stuff together, magazines on vehicles, coffee, dominoes, remote-controlled vehicles, conservation of habitats for wildlife, 

Dislikes: Shouting in his workshop, seeing his creations malfunction, the idea of artificial intelligence, blackouts, bees, tea, wine, olives, rainy days, mud, long-term silence, 

Favourite/Disliked Food: Spearmint flavoured ice-cream with chocolate chips/Citrus fruits

Favourite/Disliked Drink: Lemonade/Tea


  • He does not fancy the idea of objects having some form of sentience. They're not living beings, so they shouldn't be able to think-

Hobbies: Tinkering with mechanical objects, strategy games, the guitar, building block toys, 


  • "Slow and steady, wins the race."
  • "Is that right, sis?"
  • "This shouldn't be happening! This isn't right. This is all wrong!"

Team Info: Primarily acts as Support; capable of fulfilling Flight and Power roles.

  • He is part of the Narsanial's Ruffians team, acting as the Tech Wiz of the group if they ever encounter any hardware issues.


  • With a bit of adjustments to a guitar, he can whip up a 4-chord rhythm to keep the atmosphere lively.


  • Flight Expertise: He can handle himself in the skies, but he can't pull off any emergency moves in case something goes awry.
  • Programming: Giving his machines specific instructions on what they can and cannot do is one of his favourite tasks. It's not the same as granting sentience, as these machines are still following orders.
  • Machinist: He considers himself to be an expert when it comes to putting parts together. This ranges from vehicles, hardware devices, mechanical limbs, general robotics, remote-controlled vehicles, mechanical discs that grant certain benefits when used, to list the fields he can tackle.
  • Shield Expertise (Offensive/Defensive Fighting Styles) 
  • Throwing stuff: He's usually accurate whenever he lobs something at a target, often using ricochet physics to make sure his projectiles lands at where he wants them to be. He prefers to do so with his personally-made discs and detonators.

Special Attack(s):

  • Energy Discharge: A basic move. His shield comes with a module installed where he can release a burst of electrical energy onto whatever it has been slammed into.
  • Emergency Evac: A basic move, requires 'Rich'. His flying drone picks his target and takes them to the sky, so that they can be delivered into safety. Can't guarantee safety, though.
  • Drone Barrier: An intermediate skill. Requires 'Rich'. This ability enables him to set 'Richard' into Defensive Mode, enabling it to generate a barrier onto the selected ally. This drains a considerate amount of energy from the drone.
  • Offensive Matrix: An advanced skill. Requires 'Rich'. This ability enables him to set 'Richard' to follow a particular ally. The drone would then aid the selected ally by creating distractions towards anyone that gets close to them. It may even discharge energy at them.
  • Defensive Stratagem: An advanced skill. Requires his shield to be equipped and activated. He sets down a wall that is difficult to pass through, shocking any who tries to get past. Projectiles will also be knocked aside by the field that it has generated. After a while, the barrier is shut down, and he can not use this move again until his shield is recharged.
  • EMP Shutdown:  An advanced skill. Requires an electrical disc. Once it is set to Disable, he also overloads the disc's ability to increase the surge of electricity that it leads to an electrical explosion, taking out many devices caught in the blast radius and preventing them from functioning. The effect is temporary, and the electric disc is destroyed in the process.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: Yes; standard vehicles.

-Family and Friends-
Parents: Gordon Plitowsky (Adopted Father) Courtney Plitowsky (Adopted Mother)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes, through letters.

Siblings: Nilvarno Plitowsky and her twin (Adopted sisters)

Partner/Spouse: None

Children: Not yet.


  • Simple Shield; Reinforced Barrier; Strategic Fire-wall; Impenetrable Hexgrid: A shield that he has tinkered with that is part of his long-term project. Contained within it are gadgets that grants the shield several utilities that normal shields wouldn't have without magical enhancement. It is retractable, and normally comes in the form an arm brace that he can use to activate this shield. It is also able to generate a field that widens its area of defence.
  • Electrical Discs: These items are made with several functions installed, namely: Disable (machines only), Stun (living targets only), Overload (machines only).
  • Remote Control Car 'Rick': A small 4WD drone installed with a camera at the front end. It can zip around considerately fast, has the ability to drive up vertical surfaces (for a brief while, sadly), and it can still drive after being flipped over, due to the size of the wheels. The signal is lost once it has travelled over a considerable amount of distance.
  • Remote Control Air Rover 'Rich': A small airborne drone installed with a camera and a wireless function to send feedback to the screen on the remote control. It has the ability to discharge a burst of static that drains a considerable amount of energy from it. It can lose signal if it travels too far, but it is programmed to return to its controller should that ever happen. It also has the ability to lift anyone.

Extra Info:

  • Not even his step-parents know where he was born. As a fledgling, he was found outside of their doorstep wrapped in a blanket.