


5 years, 3 months ago


Does it bother anyone else...


 NAME   Kieryll 
 SPECIES   Wolf 
 GENDER   male (he/they) 
 OBTAINED   bought ($) Aug. 23rd 2021 



  • astronomy, night time
  • interested in psychology
  • listening to music (helps him calm down)
  • watching others from afar and just learning about different people's habits/behaviors


  • writing down his thoughts in a journal (often as poems) and making sketches to get out his feelings
  • thunderstorms, sound of rain
  • flower crowns
  • red wine


  • doesn't mind talking to people (and is not bad at it) but wouldn't go on parties or similar things voluntarily
  • usually keeps to himself, has troubles opening up to others
  • will get mad and probably confront people when they treat others bad, can't look away
  • when he's having a good day he enjoys complimenting strangers or even gift them stuff
  • fun facts: knows sign language


  • the piercings vary, can not be drawn without though
  • all accessory optional (scarf, flowers crown, glasses, wing harness)
  • can be drawn anthro and feral


. Backstory

As a student Kieryll was bullied for a long time, they didn't have anyone by their side. That's why he hates seeing people being mistreated and will not hold himself back from helping the victim since he knows what it's like if nobody is there to help you.

. Current life

Kieryll lives in a somewhat busy town and works as a barista in a café. He has a small appartment in the town but when he's not working he usually goes to the abandonned castle he found as teen in a forest a few miles away from the town and spends his time there. The castle is in a good condition, the nature did take over it but that's what Kieryll loves about this place, being away from the noise of the town and the people. Overall he's a creative soul, he writes down most of his thoughts in a journal to get them out of his head and to save them, he has never showed it to anyone though. When he's in the town because he has to work he lives in his apartement, often stays up long because he can't sleep. He then sits on the window sill watching the night life and the stars, occasionally drinking a glas of his favorite wine.. or two.


Close friend

Milo and Kieryll both share the interest for psychology, they love to talk about this topic alot and like to share their thoughts with each other. Milo is Kieryll's only close friend he trusts and opens up to, and he can be sure to get help from them or simply an open ear. How they met is actually a coincidence, when Milo went to buy a coffee at the café Kieryll works at they accidentally dropped their journal and when Kieryll wanted to give it back to him he got a quick look into it and saw the scribbles in there that reminded them so much of their own journal and he simply couldn't let Milo go without asking them about it. So when Milo went to leave the café Kieryll followed him to ask about his journal, at first they were a bit confused why he would want to know about it but then they got into a talk and decided to meet again and eversince they've been friends.

...That someone else has your name?
