


5 years, 2 months ago


Micah Diyson

august 8th 2000 (LEO)

trans male + he/him

22 years old


content creator


The Real Me



As pink as he is passionate, this aspiring idol is bound to leave a lasting impression on everyone he comes across... for better or for worse.

He’s enthusiastic, affectionate and bursting with emotion and while that’s great at first, his volatile nature is bound to show sooner or later... you’ll most likely get more than you bargained for!

Others aren't the only one bothered by it though... Micah has an infinite array of problems to deal with and overcome but he'll do what it takes to shape his life into one worth living!

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Likes: J-fashion, singing, dancing, performing, idols, music, magical girl anime, social media, my melody.

Dislikes: Wasting time, lazy people, when attention isn't on him, feeling ugly, not getting what he wants, almonds, passionless people





5'4" | 1.62 m

petite & fit

deep brown

pale, red undertones

black (natural) + light blonde (dyed)
short with bangs (natural) + long, wavy with bangs (wigs)




  • he wears mainly J-fashion. The style he wears the most is sweet lolita
  • he has big black eyebrows! :3
  • hes (almost) always wearing a pink beret!




CONTENT+ TRIGGER WARNINGS: exploitation, (implied) (c)sa, mental health struggles, gender struggles & transphobia, attempted suicide (all sensitive content is mentioned carefully and will never be in detail. but it is still either implied or mentioned, so proceed with caution)


Micah was pretty much born in the spotlight. With busy, unintentionally absent parents, Micah quickly grew close to his aunt Carole from a very young age. Being the ever exploitative, money-hungry woman that she is, she quickly noticed Micah’s potential and signed him up for beauty pageants and related TV shows as soon as he could sit upright.

He grew up believing his aunt to be the only supportive family member that he has while in reality she was just using his beauty and skill to make a profit. This has set the example that beauty and success equated to his both as a person. Carole’s exploitation has directly led him to experience very traumatic events. As he got a little bit older he got into dancing instead as he has always been drawn to being a performer. His aunt, of course, sought to exploit this as well and signed him up for contests and TV shows yet again. This whole period was between the ages of 2 to 11. During this time she also convinced him that his mom didn’t care about him and said horrible things about him behind his back- which have always been lies.

This continued on for some years but due to his mental health declining rapidly, as well as previous traumatic events catching up to him, he quit doing pageants, TV appearances and all dance competitions. His mom, while unaware of what was happening, had a bad feeling about his aunt and made sure she stayed away from Micah for a while. He had the chance to find his lost passion for dancing, as well as starting to learn how to sing and discovering his love for j-fashion.

Once things were finally starting to look up again, when he was 14 years old, two life-changingly traumatic events happened. This completely destroyed whatever sense of self-worth Micah still had left at that point. His aunt's “support” only made it worse. While she did help bring one of his abusers to legal justice, she also had convinced him of horribly damaging things about himself and the world... disguised as religious wisdom, of course. Raised a devout Christian as well as having ultimate trust in his aunt, he saw no reason to doubt any of her words. From this point in his life he would go on believing his only purpose in life would be to satisfy others’ needs.

The next couple years of his life were filled with many ups and downs. On the surface he was quick to bounce back from everything that had happened, but his true feelings shone through in the long list of behavioural issues he started to display. He was constantly fighting with his family and overall just an emotional mess… but at the same time he made his very first and best friend, Fry! It was a time of self-discovery for him. He discovered his love for j-pop, magical girl anime and delved deeper into the world of j-fashion.. as well as realizing that maybe he wasn’t a girl at all, instead he was a guy. He told his mom and a few close friends but made sure to keep it hidden from his aunt. He started several social media pages, his most successful one being his youtube channel. Most of its content was lolita fashion-related but he also posted song and dance covers! It was at this time in his life he realized he wanted to be an idol. His popularity rose quickly, and as soon as his social media ventures seemed profitable his aunt re-inserted herself into his life, offering to take on the role of a manager.

Her re-involvement in his life signaled the end of a peaceful era and the exploitation began once more. Not that he really ever saw it as such, all he saw was all of the time, effort and support she gave to him. He grew to love and appreciate her more and more over the coming years while she actively sabotaged all good things in his life.

As time passed and Micah got older certain parts of his life improved whereas most others only seemed to get worse and worse each year that passed. His aunt now had full control over his life, making him do many things that were absolutely detrimental to his mental health and only traumatized him further. During this time he obsessively started dating just about any guy he met which only made him feel worse and worse. He has always been in full denial over everything and never told a soul about the things he has been going through his whole life, not even his closest friends. This only served to worsen his relationships as no one had an explanation for his volatile and mean-spirited behaviour during this time. Everyone in his life tried to help him, but Micah, who had convinced himself nothing was wrong, actively rejected any help that was offered.

It was around this time (age 19) that he met Jacob. One of the few people to see him for who he really is, treat him with love and respect and actually challenge Micah’s beliefs about his aunt and his life. As soon as he came into his life, Micah, because of his aunt, broke up with Jacob and completely distanced himself from him. The sudden confrontation and realizations about the life long lies he grew up believing.

Slowly but surely he lost almost all of his friends, ruined his relationship with the majority of his family and was in a horrible mental state. This is when his best friend of 5 years, Fry decided to cut ties with Micah. Fry had always been there for Micah and has always been victim to many of Micah’s emotional outbursts while having little to no idea as to what was even going on in his life. Fry, despite how much they still cared about Micah, was tired of the way they were being treated and decided to completely cut ties with him when they moved out of state.

(extra TW for attempted suicide here) After this, paired with all of the realizations he had about his aunt and his life completely devastated him. He felt as though he had lost everything. He wasted his life to please his aunt who saw him as nothing more than a source of income and now he was left with nothing but wasted years, ruined friendships and broken dreams. He saw no way to turn his life back around and attempted to take his life.

Luckily, his attempt was futile and he survived. His attempt caught a lot of people off-guard as they had no idea how bad his mental health was. He disappeared off of the internet without notice and he cut ties with his aunt. Because of this he and his family were forced to move because of her harassment.

Once he was finally out of her grasp after 20 long years it was time for recovery for the first time in his life. He had to face his trauma and problems head-on and this included mending the relationship with his mom and two siblings. This leads into the current time of his life; As of 2021 he is actively going to therapy several times a week and slowly getting on better terms with his family and the few remaining friends he has. He’s finally learning to do this for himself and no one else and just to have fun rather than to make money. He also finally decided to start transitioning now that he only has supportive people left in his family which is a huge step for him!

Over the course of this year he will be working hard to improve his life and mental health and to pursue his goals without holding back… it’s no easy process but he’s already gone through hell and back so there’s no point in giving up now! And now in 2022 he has made huge progess. He has gotten into VTubing as a way to continue making content without having to reveal his identity until he is ready to be his new self online once again. He's finally at a place where he can write music again and in 2023 he will release his first album and return to the public!


  • He has a white pomeranian named Bubbles.
  • His favorite clothing brand is Baby the Stars Shine Bright.
  • His favorite anime is Ojamajo Doremi.
  • He speaks English and Japanese.
  • He plays the violin and has recently started playing electric guitar..
  • His homestuck classpect would be Thief of Heart and he'd be a Derse dreamer.
  • Before disappearring off fo the internet, Micah was very involved in the lolita fashion community, being one of the most well-known content creators as well as being a moderator of his local comm.
  • His favorite idol is Yukari Tamura and she is a big inspiration to him.
  • His Mario Kart pick is (Cat) Peach.
  • His favorite video games are Super Princess Peach, Bandori and several games from the Idolmaster series.


Fry (he/she/they) [ (former) best friend ]

Fry was Micah's first ever genuine friend. They met at the age of 14 when Micah transferred to a public highschool after an incident he caused. They quickly became close and spent basically any bit of free time Micah had together.
Fry has supported Micah through thick and thin despite not being aware of most of what was happening in Micah's life at the time. The two of them were in love with each other and dated briefly, but Micah ended up breaking up with Fry because of his aunt's influence. Fry never really understood why that happened end their feelings for Micah never really went away so they stuck by his side while he had boyfriend after boyfriend despite still being in love with Fry at the time.

As Micah's mental health declined so did their relationship with one another. Micah was very guilty of taking Fry for granted and frequently directed his frustrations towards Fry, severly impacting Fry's self worth and confidence. This, paired with Fry's unhealthy degree of jealousy made for a very toxic friendship. Fry had a hard time letting go because their friendship meant a lot to them and had faith that Micah would return to being the sweet person he once was but as things only continued to get worse Fry finally decided to cut off contact with Micah for good.

As of right now the two of them have no contact whatsoever and Micah is beyond heartbroken about it but all he can do is better himself and hope Fry is in a better place now.

Jacob (he/him) [ boyfriend ]

Despite having had dozens of boyfriends in the past, Jacob is the only guy he's ever had a positive relationship with. Their passion and love for making music and fashion align perfectly and Micah feels like no one understands him better than Jacob does. He truly felt as though he met his soulmate. Jacob was also the first ever person to be real and honest with Micah about how he feels about his aunt and this had a huge impact on him and changed the trajectory of his life forever.

After Micah broke up with him, Jacob had no idea what happened to him althroughout 2020 and 2021 but their feelings towards each other never faded. Micah was unable to forget about him and after two years and an embarrassingly convoluted reuinion plan, they met again and grow even closer than before. Now they finally have the time to get to know each other properly and they both help eavh other become the best version of themselves.

Of course, healthy relationships aren't exactly Micah's strong suit but t together they work hard to make their relationship work, despite being two people with lots of issues to work through.

Sylvestre (he/him) [ best friend ]

Sylvestre is the first person Micah met and befriended since everything that happened in 2020 and 2021. They met during a Mourning Dove concert that Micah visited to see Jacob perform. Sylvestre, being a long-time fan of Jacob started talking to him, having no idea that he was Jacob's ex boyfriend at the time. Micah played along, pretending to just be a fan of Mourning Dove and Jacob in particular and the two of them quickly became friends.

Micah was particularly lonely during that period so meeting Sylvestre was a huge blessing to him so he made sure to never mistreat him like he did with his old friends.

Eventually, Sylvestre realized who Micah was in relation to Jacob, and while it was a lot to process he didn't start seeing Micah any differently even though he literally knew his biggest idol in person. Sylvestre ended up being the person to push Micah to bite the bullet and finally meet with Jacob again after not having seen each other for two years.

Sylvestre continues being one of Micah's closest friends, and he wouldn't have it any other way! He totally adores his little jacob-obsessed scenecore skunk furry <3


Hayar is a childhood friend of Micah. They met when they were very young because their dads were friends. They lost contact for several years but when Hayar was a teenager, they and their little sister Morgan moved in with Micah's family to escape their bad home situation.

Hayar kind of served to mend the relationship between Micah and his family at the time and was also just a great friend to him. The two of them confided in each other and were genuinely supportive of one another but as what happened with Fry, the worse Micah got the more Hayar started to distance himself from Micah. Hayar eventually moved out and in with his boyfriend Drakon and they fell out of contact for the most part.

Luckily, as of the present time, they are back in contact and slowly mending their friendship.


Drakon is one of the few friends Micah made and actually kept. He'd frequently meet new people just to date them, but somehow Drakon was different! DEspite having very different lives and interest something just clicked between the two of them. Drakon had always been grateful to Micah for being his first real friend after having moved to the states and thus was the only person to never leave his side when he lost all of his friends.

Drakon may not be the most understanding person when it comes to other people's problems, but he's always done his bes to help Micah out. He was even the person who introduced him to Jacob by inviting him over to a Mourning Dove concert!

Riley (he/him) [ friend ]

Riley... gosh. They started out just being friends by association and absolutely hated each other for a long, long time. Their personalities just clashed too much but once the two of them both matured they actually discovered that they get along really well.

As of the present time, they are really close and Riley has been a really big pillar of support for Micah in the most difficult time of his life.


Cierra is Micah's mom and to say they've had a rocky relationship would be a big understatement. Due to their family's company working Cierra half to death, she was very absent, especially during the first 10 years of his life. Because of this and his aunt's lies, Micah grew up believing she didn't care about him and hated him, preffering his more well-behaved siblings over him but this couldn't be further from the truth.

She has always loved him dearly, and supported him in whatever he wanted to do. She supported him from the start when Micah came out to her as trans.
her skeptisism towards Micah's aunt (so her sister) only served to worsen their relationship. And due to her poor parenting skills she didn't know what to do about it and decided to just suck it up and allow Micah to hate her even if she didn't really know why.

When everything went down and Micah finally saw through his aunt's lies Micah and his mom started the long process of mending their relationship. It's a slow and awkward process but they will be able to get through it and become really close. Eventually Micah will come to see his mom as one of the biggest supporters he has.

Valerie (she/her) [ half-sibling ]

Valerie is one of Micah's two older half-siblings and also the one he gets along with better. They were pretty close when they were younger, but as things within their family got worse, Valerie became a total shut-in and didn't have contact with any of her family members for several years. She still kept up with Micah's online activities as much as he could to stay up-to-date with what was happening in his life despite not talking to him.

It was because of Valerie's strong intuition that Micah didn't lose his life and as a result Micah and her have become really close again over the past few years now that they are living together and talking again. She has slowly started leaving her room and home again, and recently came out as a trans woman to Micah and the rest of their family, which also helped the two of them get closer.

April (she/her) [ half-sibling ]

April is his other half-sibling, and twin sister of Valerie. As mentioned before, she is the one he gets along with the least. They've been fighting with one another for as long as they can both remember. Micah never really understood what she had against him but all of her hatred came mostly from a place of envy. However, in recent times after discovering what Micah was really going through she realized there was never anything to be envious of and is doing her best to make amends.

Their relationship is still a little awkward, but at least they aren't fighting anymore and are slowly learning to be normal siblings.


For anyone that has read Micah's backstory, there isn't much left for me to say. His aunt Carole is a horrible, exploitative and money-hungry demon of a person. She spent most of Micah's life putting him through hell and making him believe lies for her own gain. While she was succesful in her escapades for nearly two decades, Micah has finally distanced himself from her and she will one day face the legal consequences of her actions.


Nathaniel, or "Nate" is Micah's dad. They used to have a very positive relationship. Nate totally adored Micah and spoiled him half to death but as Micah got older he started to notice his dad prioritize his career over their family. Once Micah was a teenager, his dad was barely ever home and rarely sought contact with them which completely broke his heart.

He stayed loyal to his dad for a long while, but when he needed him most, his dad never showed up and Cierra divorced him on the spot. He still struggles with it and misses his dad greatly but he knows it's better to leave it in the past than to cling on to a man who doesn't care about his own child.