super clock man



5 years, 4 months ago


  🕒 Severtime   ◈ Robot + Quantum Beast
   ◈ Main-Protagonist-Antagonist
   ◈ Male
   ◈ Ancient

Severtime is the main antagonist of the first arc and the reason Isgol has ended up in the world of Endless.

Tens of thousands of years ago he was once a normal dragon residing in a normal village during the dawn of the Nekronaut Empire. His village was invaded, and he was taken as a sole survivor to be a test subject in Empirical labs. During this process he was transformed into an unstable beast; eventually he escaped, then used his newfound abilities--along with Dragon, who was another prisoner of the same lab--to take vengeance on the Empire and end their conquest. This was objectively a very good thing to do and a turning point to end a chaotic, war-torn period of history.

Though the protagonist of his origins, he is a relic of the past who refuses to forget about an ancient calamity from which the world has long recovered. He has instead spent these many generations hellbent on building a time machine, intent on ending the Empire before they ever begin and creating a new timeline in which those harmed by the Empire can experience a future without it. This meets the unfortunate conundrum that is the fact that time travel is not possible, as it is impossible to undo what has already happened without creating a paradox; he aims instead to copy the past and overwrite the present, a half-solution which doesn't undo the Empire's damage but creates an alternate future at the cost of destroying the present. 

He understands how others must think of this and so he carries out his plans in secrecy, doing his best to avoid involving innocent bystanders, but nonetheless he is not afraid to crush any who dare get in his way.


He is rather calm and level-headed. Rarely does he resort to anger, and when he does it is still well-hidden and more passive-aggressive than anything. He is patient and well understands how others must feel about his plans to alter the timeline. While he prefers to convince others of his benevolence, he understands if it would be impossible, and isn't afraid to switch to deadly force against those who insist on standing in his way. He is definitely an "ends-justify-the-means" kind of fellow, but still prefers nonviolence.

He is both incredibly powerful and clever, but prefers to leave physical work to henchmen while he's the one to do all the planning behind the scenes. He'll only leave his lair in the deep Nekronautian ruins should his allies fail their tasks.


His original form was that of a white feathered Endless dragon.

His robotic form is the one used the most. While once spiffy and radical, it has deteriorated over the years with broken bits of metal covered by tattered bandages and black gears visible churning beneath. Beneath the clock mask is a bright and glowing soul-eating abyss.

His quantum form is that of an unstable quantum beast that takes the shape of a great shapeless wyrm with flickering, dripping metaphysical flesh that has trouble existing. His maw is pure white and glows eerily. Within his flickering fire-like body are galaxy-like swaths of color that shimmer rapidly between different hues and brightness.

His weakened form is that of a much smaller wyrm-like creature. It has no colorful lights. 

   Other Notes
- His original name is Atlas. "Severtime" was the name of a machine he had once built to study Time Mana with, long before capture. After being captured and escaping, he returned home and salvaged the metal he had built the Severtime with to construct his robotic body, henceforth taking its name as well.
- Due to the energy expended in his rampage against the Empire he fell into a lengthy comatose state for hundreds of years afterwards. During this time Black Dragon, unfettered, stormed around the hills and became known far and wide as a terrifying beast haunting the wilderness, simply because he doesn't know what else to do. Eventually Sever woke up, found Black Dragon, and commenced his plans for the Time Warp, approximately 80~ years or so before the present events.
-  During early tests of the time-warp he summoned an ancient, now-extinct  breed of butterfly to the present. While proceeding work on the Warp, he's converted the isolated valley in which it resides into a  sanctuary for these butterflies
- Would he have succeeded in his plans and would Isgol have survived, he would have proceeded to adopt and raise Isgol
- He previously had a partner when he was a normal dragon, but he doesn't really care about that anymore. he has a malewife now
