Wade Donte



8 years, 1 month ago


 NAME: Wade Donte

  • BIRTHDAY: January 1

  • AGE: 19

  • OCCUPATION: Works for The Restore Committee

  • SPECIES: Humen

  • GENDER: Male


  • FAMILY: His parents died before the war started and so it was him and his little sister growing up. Then his sister was taken by the Army when they raided his village.

  • PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Has muscle but isn't overly muscular. His straight blonde hair, unusual turquoise colored eyes, and dashing smile show that he is a bright person. His hair also has one small section that sticks straight up from the part of his bangs.

  • PERSONALITY: Carefree, a bit loud, nonchalant, and a smooth talker that jokes with everyone. He can be cocky and a bit full of himself sometimes though. Always looks for the fun in every situation.

  • SETTING: Wade grew up in a very small village that was located on a mountain top. Very little people that were from the outside knew of the place, but the people that did, knew that their produce was the best for miles.

  • BACK STORY: After his parents died, it was just him and his little sister Mari. In a way, Wade grew up as the head of the household, watching and caring for his sister as much as he could. So much so, that the villagers claimed that he was overprotective and that she needed more freedom. As they grew, the two held a cheerful life together. All was perfect in Wade's eyes...Until that day the Army came. One day the village was suddenly attacked out of nowhere. The SS Army came and demanded that women and children be captured as hostages so that the men would give them all of their produce. When it started, Wade wasn't with his sister, and searched for her as the village was thrown into chaos. The hut like buildings caught on fire, protesting screams were cried, and Wade avoided soldiers as he frantically searched for his sister. Then, he found her. One of the army's men held her by her hair, as if she were a worthless doll. Wade froze in place, filled with fear as he watched the man claim her as his 'prize'. Then he heard her cries, and anger took it's toll. Wade attacked the man with everything a 10 year old could muster. But in the end, Wade lost his sister to the SS Army. They took her away, and left him behind, saying he was to much of a nuisance. When everything was over, the village was a wreck, and the produce was gone. Soon after, Earth Genesis came and helped the village with anything they could. Wade became obsessed with learning how to fight. He followed Earth Genesis after they offered their help to make him stronger by training. Wade was a quick learner and only after 6 years of training in many martial arts, he was promoted to Zora's team in The Restore Committee.

  • ONGOING STORY: At first, Wade's anger got the best of him, but Zora was quickly able to calm him with little force. Soon Wade was able to control his anger, becoming more like the carefree boy he use to be with his sister. After Edwin joined their team, they started their search for a new power source. What they found instead, was a girl named Jess.


    Likes: Pickles, His comb, His looks, Jokes, Pranks, Being Manly, Being praised, Having no worries, A good fight
    Dislikes: The fact that his hair won't stay down, That Ed is smarter than him, Unnecessary work, Onions, Being made fun of or proved wrong


    Strengths: Strong, Street Smart, Passionate, Capable of anything he sets his mind to.
    Weaknesses: Rash, Cocky, Lazy, A bit of an annoyance

  • EXTRA: The comb he uses to try and keep his hair down was given to him by his sister.