Edwin Bronze



8 years, 1 month ago


NAME: Edwin Bronze

  • NICKNAME: Ed (but doesn't like it)

  • BIRTHDAY: March 10

  • OCCUPATION: Making Light-Screen technology of Earth Genesis

  • SPECIES: Human

  • GENDER: Male

  • SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Jessica Athorn

  • FAMILY: He lived with his parents who where researchers that worked for the Army. He also had an older brother that was forced to join the army when he was ten.

  • PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He stands at 6'0 tall and has a rather friendly expression. As far as body description, he's pretty scrawny and not a very active person what so ever.

  • PERSONALITY: Can be quite cowardly but can also be very brave, putting others before himself. Once you get to know him, he's sweet and protective of his friends. Because of his lack of physical abilities, he often relies on his watch, a.k.a. UCD (Ultralight Communication Device), one of his best inventions. He is very proud of his inventions and hates it when people insult them. He is the normal one in the group and is calm and collected most of the time.

  • SETTING: Because of the Planet War, Edwin grew up in a steam-punk type environment. The city he lived in was ran by the Army, meaning the resources were lacking for the citizens. Life was rough and times were hard in the world.

  • BACK STORY: Edwin grew up in one of the largest cities in the world. Tokyo. Witch was one of the first locations to be taken over by the army. Tokyo was forced to turn into a resource storage camp and soon the shimmering glorious city was turned into a broken rundown army base. His parents ended up working as researchers for the army. He was to young at the time to be involved in what the army was doing there, but when he was ten, his older brother was forced to be a soldier. After that, he locked himself in his room and ignored his parents, mad that they were aiding the army instead of going against them. Then when he was fifteen, Earth Genesis stormed the base and took Tokyo back after winning the civil war. He showed them his knowledge in computers and inventions, wanting to join in their cause of saving the Planet. They hired him and he was put on Zora's team in The Restore Committee, a small but skilled division of Earth Genesis. And has been there ever since.

  • ONGOING STORY: After years of searching for a new power source to restore Earth, his UCD picks up large amounts of energy in space, on the SS Army's Mother Ship no less. In no time him and the rest of the team transport onto the Mother Ship using the teleportation feature on his UCD. Following the energy readings, it leads him to a girl named Jess. The hope of the planet.


    Likes: Pringles/potato chips, technology, his watch and laptop, being on Jess's good side
    Dislikes: Pickles, physical activities, spooky things (spider webs, ghost, skeletons, etc.), Being called 'Ed', people insulting his inventions


    Strengths: His strong intellect, knowledge of technology, sudden bravery
    Weaknesses: Being cowardly, lack of combat skills

  • EXTRA: His laptop compacts into a phone.