


5 years, 2 months ago


CyberNekotic is a robot poncho pal created by an unknown person. His purpose is to play music from his in built speakers in his ears. He also comes with sample music he can play if you give him a keyword (such as saying "play me some jazz music" or "play me something energetic"). He has a USB and cable port on the back of his head which is used to connect to devices. Chocolate Beats uses his speakers often for her DJ gigs. 

CyberNekotic loves all genres of music. His programmed personality is to be kind to everyone but to be stern when threatened. He can get quite mad when people talk down to him just because he is a robot. He talks in a stereotypical robot voice. He is a state of the art robot but is still in his testing stage. He often overheats when worked too hard and will often shutdown. He will say this out loud when it does happen. He does not take very long to recharge and recover though. He is also not water proof and will malfunction/shutdown when wet. Being a robot, he has no gender but is programmed to respond to when called he/him.

No one is quite sure of his creator nor have they even seen them. CyberNekotic spends his days wandering all over the place meeting all sorts of people. 

His name is a pun - cybernetic + cat (neko) = CyberNekotic