Treasach "Greed" Ramon



5 years, 3 months ago



Full Name: Treasach Ramon  (meaning: Warlike, Fighter)
Nicknames: Greed, Zac

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5'11/ 1.80m
Species: Blue Shark
Orientation: straight

Hair Colour: darkblue and teal + additional yellow and black accents.
Eye Colour: Electric Blue (black sclera)

Birthday: 4th February (Capricorn)
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
Nationality: unknown

Languages: Russian (fluently), Spanish (fluently), English (fluently), French (experienced), Italian (basics)



+Reliable, +strong-willed, +patient, =strict, =proud, -greedy, -violent, -risk prone 

Treasach is most of all greedy. His desires for power, influence and domination are to be reached at all costs. That includes taking all sort of risks without hesitation. Treasach jumps in head first and fixes problems he caused along the way. If bored or exposed to weaker opponent he intentionally takes the path with greater risk as well. All in all violence is what solves most of his problems and he's not afraid to use that. On top of that one could say that he's relentless but he's just very strict, strong willed and knows what he wants. He's passionate about what he does and he's very patient whenever it should be required. He's a man of his words and would never use roundabouts to previous agreements. Speaking of agreements the shark is a really proud person so a lot of deals didn't get signed because of this prideful attitude.


  • Meat, dry meat 
  • ripping things apart with his teeth 
  • money 
  • dominance


  • people not cooperating 
  • slowfood since it falls apart 
  • responsibilities  
  • paperwork 
  • weak opponents
  • boredom of any sort


  • spear fishing


  • none


AlliesAndré Pierre De La Roc
UnderlingsKaylan Nowak, Kekoa Audron
RivalAndré Pierre De La Roc
Enemiesany stranger who enters his territory
Love Interestnone



Alignment: Neutral Evil


  • Treasach is the Leader of the Gang The greedy Moray but most of his paperwork is handed to his Right-hand man Kaylan.
  • The name Treasach means Fighter and warlike. But this wasn't the only reason this name was picket. It was also chosen because it's close to the word Treasure, which highlights his greed.
  • The Blue shark has a bad habit of ripping things with his fangs. Sometimes its the sleeves of his clothes or even contracts with other gangs or mafia. His Right hand man Kaylan makes sure that Treasach doesn't wear anything with sleeves when they head out to a mission because that could cause him being spotted.
  • In attempt of not to rip important things apart Treasach usually has a container with dry meat with him and he really loves that stuff.
  • The fish that he catches when he's spear fishing are usually used to feed his underlings. He doesn't like fish because just like slow food it just falls apart after cooking.
  • He may carry bratty underlings of his by the backpart of their clothes and just walks off with them like that.


The shark was born in Russia, Moscow to be exact. Treasach doesn't remember much from his time in Moscow, since his family moved to France after he turned 5. The blue shark usually got along with others but he started to hoard toys and only gave them back after a fight. 

When he got to school he was drilled to get good grades but beside the various language classes he didn't really bother to live up to his parents expectations. There had been a couple of fights between him and his father and under those circumstances Treasach easily lost his cool. That caused him getting into fights and that thrill of battle. That got coupled with the sweet taste of victory made him greedy for more. Eventually he ended up in a gang.
Sure he was the toughest on the school grounds but he barely stood a chance against the real deal. 

In that gang there was another Shark: André Pierre de la roc. The red shark was taller than Treasach and beat him in every category. He is a scary opponent but Treasach kept challenging and losing against him. While he didn't really improve much he saw André climbing up the ladders with such ease, as if the underground life was child's play to him. Envious about the process of the red shark Treasach left without return. He was sick having to see everyone fearing and praising the taller male while he was still of the lowest tier. 

Eventually he met a person who claimed that they could help them gaining am insane amount of strengt and greedy as he is, Treasach agreed. The shark was gone for a couple of months but when he came back his body sure was more chiseled and his sclera had a black color.  Not thinking about going back to the gang he was previously part of the Shark found his own men to fight for territory near Inkopolis.  It didn't take them long to scare off a decent amount of gangs and making themselves a name as: The Greedy Moray . Hungry for more Turf and riches the Shark keeps expanding his territory...