Calix (DA Group -- Serengeti Kingdom)



4 years, 9 months ago


 Name: Calix

Meaning - handsome/flower

 Gender - Male

 Age - 1 year -- Adolescent

 Pride - Pridelands

  physical traits. Markings on his tail, by his eyes, muzzle, and on each of his paws. Calix does have a small scar on his left haunch, however its faded since he was a mere cub. 


  Curious. Calix is always looking for new things, he enjoys following the older lions around and tries to be under paw at all times. He often has wonder in his eyes or dreams filling his head as he explores the prides boundaries and explores the best he can. 

 Brave. Calix will never back down from a battle, despite his young age he is more then willing to try and help defend his pride. 

 Friendly. As long as Calix thinks you look trustworthy he will quickly befriend you.

 Trustworthy and Loyal. Calix would never tell a secret that wasn't his, unless it breaks pride rules, he will follow those who need it into battle and will always be there when you need him.
 Head strong/Stubborn. When Calix things something will benefit him or the pride he takes the leap.

  Holds grudges. If you harm him or his pride he will remember you forever, he will take your name to his grave if it means you have crossed his path and caused him to become angry with you. 

 Unwilling to back down. Calix is usually very easy to get into a fight, which will cause him to not back down even if another lion already has. He will try to fight you until you are on the ground. Despite his usually kind and friendly nature he had a rough past and needs to understand that not everyone is there to fight. 


Early cubhood.
Calix's mother was left to have her cubs without anyone at her side, she became pregnant after a male lion took over her pride resulting in her first litter to be killed, as well as her first cubs father. She was horrified by what had happened but was unable to stop it, so she managed to escape the pride that night. Traveling on her own for as long as she could handle she found herself on the border of the Pridelands, swollen with cubs. The birth was not easy and only one of her cubs survived. Calix was given his name because she felt he was handsome, and one thing that gave her hope was a flower that she would spot on her travels. However because of these complications during the birth Calix's mother didn't survive the night leaving Calix helpless. Thankfully during a scout of the perimeter Calix was found, and brought back to the pride where he was raised by the pride.

He has earned a small scar on his left back leg haunch from attempting to jump off a rock, which he jumped off of and tumbled down jagged rocks, however the older he gets the more the fur covers it.

Calix has become very attached to his new pride, and swears to protect it from any harm despite just coming out of cubhood. He is hoping to serve his pride well the older he gets.

Despite trying his best Calix has gotten into a few tumbles with the wrong crowd, often pestering Hyenas and attempting his roar causing other lions to want to cover their ears with their paws Calix tries his best. He wants to protect the other cubs and make friends with those around him. As long as you don't come looking for trouble Calix is highly willing to get to know you.