Darin Trent



5 years, 4 months ago


Darin Trent

Cautious Loyal Fearful

Name || Darin Trent
Alias || None
Gender || Male
Age || 100 (looks 19)
Birthdate || Fourth of Jasper
Species || Vanpiron
Orientation || Heterosexual
Occupation || Council Member of Cole Caravan
Status || Married
Birthplace || Cole Caravan, Nyx. Solpor


Darin usually comes off as very cautious, someone who weighs all the pros and cons before coming to a decision. He worries often over tiny details and fearful over the outcomes. As such he has a strong voice for arguing against what could be detrimental to the Caravan.

Having the Caravan's interests at heart he is very loyal to it and his people. He does his best to make sure that every decision he and others make is for the good of the Caravan, even if he is overruled.


Peace and Freedom
Praying to the Gods
Spending time with his family


War and Death
Achan Cole
Hot Summers



Darin has spent his entire life in the Caravan with little to no desire to venture from it and see what city life holds. His parents wove many tales of how corrupt city life was and all of the dangers the elves from there held to their way of life. After a few close calls with Aric's men at a young age, he believed it.

Despite his lack of interest in fighting he manages to become part of the Council of the Cole Caravan charged with helping it's Leader protect their home. For most of his time there he suspects that Achan agreed with his appointment because he thought he could control him, which proved to be not the case. They spend copious amounts of time arguing over the best way to run the Caravan, but without the support that Achan had, there was little Darin could do about it.

Darin initally distusts Carlisle and Tyrik when they come to the Caravan because they were from the city, but after time realized that they were nothing like the stories he had heard and he began to greatly respect Carlisle when he started to run against Achan as Leader. He supported all his attempts and backed him when it came time to run Achan and Jett from the Caravan.

He agrees with Carlisle and the rest of the Council to join forces with the Humans to put a stop to Aric and the war. Afterwards he remains in the Caravan as part of the Council to take care of them.

Darin is married to Azalea and they have two children together and a granddaugther.



Parents: Bailey Trent (father) and Alice Trent (mother)
Children: Austin Trent (son), Becca Trent (daughter)
Immediate Family: Elizabeth Trent (granddaughter)


Azalea Trent


Does not age and can technically live forever unless killed in battle
Archery Skills
Excellent Swordplay


Bow and Arrows


Name Means: from airelle and by the river Trent
His Caravan sigil is a white C on red, which becomes a white K on blue after a change in leadership.
He speaks Vanpiron (elvish).

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