Baah Herdeere



5 years, 4 months ago



Baah is a young gnome from the remote mountain village of Alpona. He was gifted powers by a fae and sent off by his family to become a hero. 

Baah is a gentle soul that doesn't like to fight. He prefers talking through conflict rather than blows, though he is prepared to defend himself. Baah is very honest, he doesn't see since in not telling truth. He is a joyful man once he warms up to a person, but he comes off as timid and quiet to most.

Animals, sheep especially, are Baah's passion. He will go out of his way to help an animal in need and loves befriending the wildlife around him. 


Baah was a shepherd boy in the small mountain village of Alpona. While tending to his herd he heard the cries of a stranded sheep. He followed the noise through craggy outcroppings to a small plateau where a large ram had its hoof caught in a trap. Not even stopping to think Baah gently stepped forward and helped the ram. The ram, standing more than twice as tall as Baah, stood over him and gently touched his head with its snout in thanks. It bounced into the mountains, leaving a faint glowing trail behind it. 

When Baah left, he suddenly found it night. In fact, a week had passed since he “disappeared.” His family was overjoyed at his return. They noted it looked like starlight shone in his eyes. Not one night had passed before Baah discovered his magical gift, by accidentally making his flock levitate. His family was amazed, and overjoyed at the discovery. They believed it was a sign, and that he had been gifted by the gods. He insisted he was still just their boy, but The Herdeere family roused the entire village with the news. A celebration was had in Baah's honor. They sent him off to become a adventurer, to truly use his gift and come back a true hero. The village gifted Baah with his supplies, and the elders gave him the Shepherd's Diamond, a prized relic of the village, to remind him of home and aid his harnessing of his gift. 

Baah did not accomplish much coming down from the mountain. He rescued some travelers from a band of raiders, not without losing control of his powers in the process. The experience left him unsure of his abilities and wishing for the calm pastures of home.