cruvvideri's Comments

Hello! I’m very interested in this creature :3. I’ve been after these designs for a while,

I’d love for this one to be a little flesh pet to my OC linked in character here. He is a demon, a potentially high ranking and terrifying one, though trapped in a literal mind cage that others can’t entirely see outside of circumstances which usually signal danger. This creature would be a pet for him, made of miscellaneous blood and flesh with a size that is always changing! Could be as small as a mouse to as huge as a home! It’s unknown how or why this is (there’s a variety of gruesome rumors but who knows!)

Him seems to actuallg Care for the creature which doesn’t fit him, though some say it’s his only way to interact with the outside world which may be why. An extension of himself, maybe. Though no one knows what actual reasons there is!

Tldr: flesh weird dog :3