Evelyn Rydell



5 years, 4 months ago



The Nuclear Reactor
Here's where you can provide a brief introduction to the context of the character. Vestibulum porttitor sem ut varius pulvinar. Nulla iaculis nec turpis ac tempus. Aliquam viverra congue enim, ut rhoncus neque luctus non. Donec a condimentum libero.
Full Name Evelyn Rydell
Aliases Aliases value here
Ethnicity Ethnicity value here
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Orientation Orientation value here
Age Age value here

Generally a quiet person, Eevee keeps to herself out of fear of harming others. The harm is unintentional but she distances herself from friends, family, etc. making her a bit naive. Because of this isolation, her knowledge of social, familial and intimate interactions comes from the thousands of movies, books, games and comics she's seen. This tends to end badly for her as she makes a fool of herself. This also correlates to strong emotions triggering her mutant ability, causing the people in her immediate vicinity to get sick. This knowledge of herself causes her to show as little emotion as possible and be rather withdrawn. Don't let this demeanor fool you, with her limited social knowledge, she doesn't really have a filter and tends to say what's on her mind with little thought to consequence.

By herself, Eevee is almost a different person! Look through the window of her room sometime and you'll see a girl rocking out to music, a giant smile on her face. Maybe sitting at her computer, headset on and shouting at the screen for a 'bull-sh*t' skill. Either way, by herself, Eevee is more outgoing than when around people. With no one in her life to distract her, or take up her time, she spends a lot of her time learning in some form or the other. It has given her an ever expanding set of skills that have guided her through life. Another time you can see a normal Eevee is when she's making her videos on every subject imaginable! #RadioactiveChickenBy

As a coward, she will always run from a confrontation of any kind; this goes along with her fear of hurting people. But while she is terrified of people, she utterly craves connection. She will do almost anything for it! Being alone all the time has caused her to develop an unhealthy need to be around people, almost to the point of Dependent Personality Disorder. She may come off as needy, or clingy, but at the same time have a rather calm air about her. This two sided coin personality has made her rather dangerous.

Considered somewhat of a bookworm, she has a very focused vibe when trying to learn something. When reading, learning, or engaged in some type of activity, it's almost impossible to distract her from it. Food is usually a good way to pull her away from something being a giant foodie. However, when food isn't involved, she is a rather focused individual. Driven and ambitious, when she sets her mind on learning something new, or an extension of something she already knows about, she will get there at all costs.

Born Birthplace + date values here
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Occupation Occupation value here
Education Education value here
Affiliation Affiliation value here

Born at the height of the mutant gene "takeover" in Chicago, Evelyn wasn't born in a normal setting like you or me. Her mutant parents, Cecilia and Blake Rydell, were 'wards of the state' when she was born. Actually, what you'd call them were prisoners. Pregnant at the time of their capture, Cecilia had Evelyn in a sterile room with nurses and guards; who had guns pointed at her the entire time. While born a blissfully unaware, happy, baby, Evelyn was quickly quarantined when everyone saw her patch of electric green hair. Her mother screamed and cried for her daughter, but the baby was whisked away where all mutant babies were held; not unlike a nursery at a hospital, only guards at every conceivable point.

When her father found out about her being taken away, he was outraged. Understandably. The parents plotted for months on how to escape with their child, even asking for help from other detainees like them. It wasn't until Evelyn was 8 months old that the plan was put into motion. It took 30 people to help the small family escape and only 6 made it out alive. The moment they were free, they set out for Alaska, hoping the far away state would help keep them off the radar. Before making it to a small town where they could hide, the couple hid the fact that they had a baby to make them inconspicuous. When the finally settled on the outskirts of the town, the fear ridden family began to make a life for themselves. For the most part, their life was hard but quiet. It was strange coming from a bustling city to a rural, ice covered town.

As she grew up, Evelyn was forbidden from going to town on the off chance that someone from M.A.D. might be hunting them. Not understanding why she wasn't able to interact with the other people, one day, at the age of six, she snuck away from home to see the town. She was in awe at all the buildings and cars that passed her by! She had never seen so many people, only animals. What she didn't account for, were the less than savory types that occasionally wander around. Seeing a young girl by herself, a strange man approached her and lured her away from the prying eyes of the public. Consumed by utter terror, her mutation manifested. The man was left in a lifeless heap, slumped over by a force neither of them could see. After running away and being found by her parents, they changed their appearance and laid low until word spread that a government agency was looking for mutants in the small town. Many fingers were pointed at the newcomers to the town, but they were able to convince them otherwise. On the run they went.

Back to mainland. Now living in Arizona, the Rydell family taught Evelyn to hide who she truly was; telling her of her mutant heritage. Dying her hair black so as to cover the noticeably green hair, they told her to say her name was Eevee if anyone asked. It wasn't short for anything, her parents were just weird. Growing up in the desert, that seemed to work. This time though, they were unable to avoid the big cities and thus had to place her in normal school. Petrified their cover would be blown, they made sure to instill the ideology of isolation and caution. Her parents taught her the skills they were forced to learn while locked away; the government trying to turn them into weapons. At the age of twelve, an unfortunate bullying incident against Eevee caused the radioactive girl to go nuclear and detonate. Her school was destroyed and many were injured or killed. It was because of this that her and her parents were discovered by M.A.D. Her parents were killed, deemed to dangerous for detainment and Eevee was taken into custody.

Waking up in the detention facility, the scientists and guards evaluated her abilities and made a decision on whether or not she was too dangerous to release on missions. As a walking time bomb, unable to control her powers, she was determined to be highly dangerous and only used in the most extreme of situations. To avoid use of her powers as much as possible, they trained her mostly in the art of stealth and infiltration, and fitted her with a microchip that nullified her abilities. Her natural ability to give off a radioactive aura made it easier for her because electronic devices would explode or melt after a time of being in her vicinity. They extended the self defense training her parents had started her on, with the intent that if there was a billion to one chance she might get caught, she could defend herself without issue. It was during this time that she was almost to make a few friends given that they spent all their time locked up in cells together. Between training, field missions and the experiments, the only down time they had was the time spent locked away in their various cells. Every one of them was outfitted with a microchip and cell catered to their abilities, thus Evelyn's was radiation proof.

While out on a field op with her team they noticed that one of them was showing signs of some kind of illness. When the op failed due to this, the scientists took the operative away to find out what was ailing him. Coming back days later, it was determined that he had radiation sickness. This had been caused by prolonged exposure to Evelyn as her body is naturally radioactive. Finding out that she was directly responsible for the death of someone she considered a friend, the girl became overcome with grief. This guilt ridden grief grew in intensity during a particularly painful experiment done to her causing a second detonation. Seven years after her first one, the teen was left weak and barely conscious as fellow mutants took the opportunity to escape their captivity. Her remaining team members came for her, all of them determined to never see the facility again. They would, of course, get this wish.

While they ran from their pursuers, each one of them cut out the microchip they had been implanted with to avoid detection and gain use of their powers again. Three years on the run with the people she knew best, and worked well with, it was at their hideout in Rhode Island that she was the cause of another meltdown. After leaving on a food run, the young adult came back to the sight of the remainder of her team lying dead in their hideout. Reacting and not thinking, the sheer buildup of emotion caused the girl to once again go nuclear and detonate. The bodies were incinerated and she was left naked, physically drained, burned and with a severe case of vertigo. She woke up two days later to the sounds of people and lights. The area had been so irradiated that it took days before anyone sent in a team to find out the cause of the explosion. Despite still being heavily sick from the expenditure of energy, Evelyn stumbled her way out of danger; knowing full well that M.A.D. would get wind of the devastation and come for her.

Once again on the run, this time by herself, Evelyn reverted back to the cautious and isolated method her parents had taught her so long ago. Now completely alone and at the top of M.A.D.'s watch list, she tries to stay in big cities as it makes it easier to blend in, but sometimes the small towns work just as well. A few more years on her own until her 23rd birthday where she made her way to a coastal town. Hopefully this time, she can have a normal life. That's all we really want and what she craves.

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Proin gravida risus vel iaculis varius. Suspendisse ut felis et urna auctor auctor. Morbi sed volutpat leo, ut fermentum nisi.

Phasellus mollis metus libero, ac hendrerit turpis pellentesque a. Nam sollicitudin, diam vitae vestibulum pellentesque, nunc sapien ornare nisl, id congue est nisi quis elit. Sed volutpat pellentesque eleifend. Pellentesque faucibus hendrerit lobortis.

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Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris.