Brian (SCP-4144-1:46)



5 years, 3 months ago


SCP-1411-1:46 (AKA "Brian")

[ ...ID verified. ]





She/ Her


Anomalous rat-like entity






Carries and spreads the bacterium yersinia pestis



ID number

Dr. Jane Pepper

Head researcher for this SCP

Killer Queen - Queen


[Personality]: Extroverted
[Attitude]: Pessimistic
[Spoken Languages]: French, Italian, Greek, and English
[Alignment]: Chaotic neutral
[Leading trait]: Loves starting drama
[Biggest flaw]: Pathological liar
[Quirks]: Ladylike











Height 0'8"
Weight 0.226796 kg
Body type Rat
Eyes Green
Fur Black

Description of features

Brian has a small, mammalian like body and head. Her snout is much longer than that of a normal black rats, being much thinner and tapering off at her nose. She is covered in a wirey coat of sleek black fur, and her head and back have longer, stiffer hairs almost like a porcupines quills. She has two arms and two legs, on which she can walk upright if she so chooses. On the end of each appendages Brian has small rodent like feet and hands with short sharp claws. Each hand posseses an opposable thumb which she uses to pick up objects and write. Brian also has a hairless rat-like tail, which she uses for balance, and to curl around objects. Inside Brians mouth she has sharp rodent-esque incisors on her top and bottom jaw. Unlike a rodent, these teeth do not constasntly keep growing and needing to be filed down. She has small, beady green eyes with no visable pupils nor whites, but she still has a keen sense of sight.

Design notes

  • When touched, Brians body does not appear to have much substance at all. This is due to her form being actually being made up of hundreds of millions of microscopic flea-like entities. Because of this she is not only able to change shape if she chooses (though it proves difficult for her most of the time), but she is also technically classified as a microbe.
  • The claws on her hands and feet are always filed down to perfection (and occasionally painted if the facility is being extra lenient)
  • Liquids cause her body to sort of break apart on contact. Due to this, most of the tea she "drinks" she is actually just pouring on the floor for the staff to come clean later
  • Her prehensile tail and primate-like digits make her quite agile and good at climbing.
  • Like her claws, her fur is also usually perfectly groomed and shiny, she takes extra care to make sure of that.


But what does it mean, the plague? it's life, thats all.




Brian is quite a lot of personality crammed into a tiny body. She has an explosive temper, but tries her best to stay posh, well mannered, and ladylike. She despises anything she deems as uncouth, and enjoys the more expensive things in life. Brian is something of a gossip, and enjoys listening to and spreading rumors about the scientists and other SCPs at site-46. Occasionally Brian will make up a rumor about someone just to cause drama so she can witness it all unfold for her amusement. The constant spreading of rumors has caused issues in the past, and since then she has cut way back on it and shown some guilt for her actions. It still happens from time to time, though, when Brian is feeling bored.

Brian is a pathological liar, and it is incredibly difficult to get any real information out of her when specifically asked. Her entire past is almost completely ambiguous because of how many stories she has made up. It isn't clear if the lying is because she genuinely doesn't remember, or if she just wants to keep the scientists on their toes.

Before site-46

When the entity known as “Brian” first came into existence, she was part of something much bigger. She doesn't remember much about her life early on, only that she grew alongside others of her kind atop the massive body of an entity known as SCP-1411, the Rat King. This creature was born of death and sickness, and it would travel around the world spreading plague and misery in its wake. For hundreds of years its reign of terror would continue, until one day something happened to the Rat King and its offspring, leaving Brian alone to fend for herself. When asked what happened to the creature, Brian seems not to recall.

From that point on Brian was to travel around alone, continuing to spread misery as best she could in this new, much smaller form. But after hundreds of years all alone, Brian grew bored of doing so. Instead of making the humans miserable, she began to quietly observe them, curious about their cultures and practices. Generations passed, and as they did Brian continued to observe and pick up mannerisms from the humans, and occasionally spread pestilence too, of course.

Life at site-46

Centuries later, Brian would find herself in the city of Prague. While doing her usual thing, she was caught in a sewer by a human who was planning on testing her to look for a source of the outbreak. But upon her capture, the human quickly noticed that this was no ordinary rat. Brian, having picked up some English, attempted to talk to this human, of course only frightening the human further. In the end, both she and this human were transferred to a strange facility where Brian and the human, who she came to know as Dr. Jane Pepper would get to know each other. Brian was subjected to two years of rigorous testing, and surprisingly she was very ok with it. Not only was Dr. Pepper (who at this point she had grown very fond of) the one testing on her, but she was receiving more attention than she has ever gotten before in her life. Once she figured out she could request just about anything she wanted from these doctors and receive it in a matter of days, Brian happily embraced her new environment.

[ ...4 people linked with this SCP were found. ]


Dr. Jane Pepper

[ Best Friend ]

Pepper and Brian have a very sweet and genuine relationship. As difficult as Brian can be sometimes, Pepper will occasionally find herself going to Brian for advice or wisdom. Brian is hundreds, if not thousands of years old after all, and does have quite a lot of actually useful advice. In return Pepper will teach Brian some real manners and give tips on how to make friends with some of the other human researchers at the facility. To Brian, Pepper is one of the most perfect humans to ever exist in every way. Though, she would never tell her that to her face. Brian requests meetings with Pepper weekly so the two can catch up on life and have tea together (which neither of them can actually drink).


Montez Va Vera Donte

[ Acquaintance ]

When Brian first heard Pepper talk about Montez, she immediately became protective over her. But upon first meeting the man, Brian also fell in love with him just a bit, and now Pepper and Brian will gush about Montez to each other when he comes up in conversation. What can she say, Brian appreciates a family man.



[ Friend? ]

The facility tries as hard as they can to keep Mouthfoot out of Brian's containment cell, but no matter what they try he always finds a way to get in. But Brian doesn’t really mind all that much, as gross as she thinks Mouthfoot is, because he almost always comes to her with tons of gossip. They two will chat for hours about all sorts of stuff until inevitably one of the scientists has to come in and remove Mouthfoot.



[ Uhhh ]

To Brian, Morgan is a strange little play thing. She thinks he is super weird and creepy, but also he is so hilariously unexpected that she can't help but be absolutely fascinated by him. The first time they were put in the same room together, Morgan removed his space suit and picked Brian up with his bare hands. That alone was enough to draw Brian to him, but also since the two of them are both over five hundred years old, they have a surprising amount of history to bond over. Brian thinks it's really funny how eager Morgan is for her to infect him, and if the facility didn’t stop him from doing so, Brian would gladly make him sick.