Gay Pride



5 years, 4 months ago


Askharestar made their own species! It’s called a Bright Cat! You can get it for free, and you can breed it and/or place it in a contest. If you win a contest, you can get another free cat to breed with the one you got before. And you can create the new one by telling me what you want it to look like. if you don’t care, just say so. Then it will be randomly picked color and breed. Also, there’s many different breeds and hybrids... just so you know.

Name: Gay Pride

Gender: female

Age: 10 months

Breed-able: yes

showable: always

colors: White/sparkling blue/RAINBOW

Cloud color: white/RAINBOW

eye color: RAINBOW

mixes colors when bred?: no

species: Cloud (Wispy)

does color pass on?: yeah!

and.... if you need more info please comment below and I will respond ASAP.