3 Adalaine



5 years, 3 months ago


  • Adalaine, she, mid 20s [physically], pan. 
  • 4'11'', short n thick, stocky/pudgy
  • Alter unaware of traumas/ANP (but not host) of DID system 
  • Bright, bubbly, and loud, Adalaine is the stereotypical "lights up the room when she walks in" type of person. She loves to greet anyone around her, and loves to soak up the light and joy as much as she likes to spread it around. She's very optimistic, if not painfully so, and tends to live a bit in lala land. She likes to help people but her lower empathy leads her to not quite understanding other's situations. and in combined with her own amnesia to the more painful aspects of her body's shared life, she doesn't have much experience with heavy situations, so she tends to come off as 'toxic positive' due to being a bit clueless. Nevertheless, she does enjoy her own alone time, and likes to make art by the beach. She isn't very familiar with her other alters, and not only has to get used to that she's not even the host/"main," but that there's trauma she wasnt aware of. but she's meeting the others slowly and at a pace that's comfortable. 
  • likes clear skies and warm days, hands-on activities like painting or jewelry making, the beach and all it has - the sound of seagulls and blowing palm trees, the water splashing on her ankles, the sand in her hands, the sun on her back, etc. dislikes things she can't quite understand or grasp, when people ignore her or brush her off, and when her feet ache or callous from walking barefoot. favourite flower is hibiscus, favourite food is mangoes.