3 Jocelyne



5 years, 3 months ago


  • Jocelyne, she, mid 20's [physically], lesbian 
  • 4'11'', thick/stocky/apple shaped build
  • Medium toned, straight blue hair tied in a somewhat tight ponytail, with some loose parts left around the bangs. Round glasses, golden yellow eyes. Has ribbons that goes around the head, partially covered by the bangs, but two bows on each side where they tie together. Wears semi formal clothing, "business casual" vibe, But also enjoys more traditional medieval dresses. 
  • Internal organizer and caretaker alter, she is similar to a "mom friend" in the system (not an actual mom, just figuratively). She takes care of everyone and reminds them of things that need doing and checks in to make sure everyone's still 'doing their part.' She's almost always co conscious and she organizes things internally and does a lot of the "behind the scenes" system stuff. early-to-mid 30s/oldest alter in system  
  • Formal, direct, and to the point, she doesn't spend much time messing around or goofing off. She can be very strict with the other alters, but it's not to be mean, she's just a straightforward "no nonsense" type of person. 90% of her time fronting is internally, but will externally front should she need to do something outside. 
  • Likes cleaning and tidy spaces, and feels anxious if things are too array. Cleaning or organizing is a coping skill of hers, though at times it can be a bit of a toxic one if she becomes too obsessed or too in to it/ignores other things to mindlessly clean. She also likes things that are space related (stars, sun, moon, planets, etc) and finds things like zodiac placements etc very interesting.