Basic Info




Rodent with arttifially implanted reptilian parts


Self-critial, shy, nervous, low self-esteem, helpful, loyal, protective, defensive, push-over.




Able to regenerate/heal from any injury


Neutral Good


Aglesa was born in a poor village in a shattered realm. He was young, about 6 or 7, when he had fallen from the edge of the village that levitates within a void. Falling out of the void caused him to land within a different Realm from his own, a primal place is full of savage beasts. He was able to avoid them for a time but one would eventually take him down. His cries caught the attention of another though and he was saved from the beast that attack him, though he went from one awful situation to another. The damage he sustained from the attack fully destroyed an arm and his tail so the one who had saved him replaced them with reptilian parts. He stayed with that creature for an extended period of time and was used as a lab rat of sorts. Aglesa had never tried to run away though, for he feared that he would be attacked again and the next time he might not survive. So he waited, and luck had it that a rift opened and dragged him through, bringing him back to his home realm. He now lives on a farm with an adoptive family, too ashamed of what he looks like now to find his way back to his real home, but he is happy with his new family.
