madeleine paczki-wine



5 years, 4 months ago



nervous . loyal . tender

Gender transman
Age 23 - 30
Sign taurus
Height four'ten
Race inkling
Role content
MBTI content
Theme song link
makes his primary income from salmon running, though it’s not really enough to keep his apt so he also does some saucy pics on the side [he’s not very popular though…]. really down on himself and has low self esteem, he doesn’t think he’s good at much and often times quits before he can really get into anything [he’ll be bad at it anyways so why try]. sends money back to his mom when she asks him to [which is the only time she talks to him really] and doesn’t hear much from his father after being kicked out at 18 by his stepmother. he tries not to think about it.began therapy with lilac at the behest of lime; they’ve made some progress and he’s been trying new things and picking up some hobbies. he enjoys drawing and working on a story about his snail. 

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