


5 years, 4 months ago


"Erie" - Erythrite

  • PRONOUNS She/Her
  • HEIGHT 5'6"
  • AGE 6,800
  • ORIGIN Unknown
  • FACTION Crystal Galaxy Corps
  • ROLE Researcher
  • WEAPON Dagger
  • VOICE Anna Kendrick
  • DANCE Hip Hop
  • VALUE $18

The Beginning

Factor Eight


Erythrite crystal is exceptionally exquisite and possesses mighty supernatural abilities that aid with self-love, empowerment, and confidence. Its energies benefit people with their spiritual journey, feelings of loneliness, and lack of self-worth. Self-Love and Kindness Erythrite has an innately loving presence. It guides us to experience and embody self-love and to start by being kind and authentic within. It is the first stage to resonate with this vibration of love and kindness to naturally share it with others. Intentionally work with Erythrite crystal for this purpose by creating a daily practice with your stone where you take time to create gratitude lists surrounding yourself and different topics. At the end of your practice, hold your stone and feel strong grateful emotions. Consideration Erythrite stone brings our focus to two aspects of consideration, mentally contemplating and considering on a deeper level, as well as considering ourselves, people, and the earth in our actions. Use Erythrite when taking time to contemplate with an open heart and mind. Hold this crystal while writing, visualizing or simply following your thoughts presently. Considering your current motivations, methods, and impacts, as well as visualizing the best-case scenario. Finding the Root Causes This is a useful crystal to work with when seeking to find the root causes of health issues, feelings, patterns, or situations. Erythrite encourages us to find the truth of a matter and deal with whatever is found with compassion and careful consideration. Place your Erythrite crystal at the base of your spine and meditate. Feel the energy of the earth channel through your crystal, and enter your body through your Root Chakra. This activation will help you to notice and act upon the intuitive messages and signs that reveal a root cause. Facilitating Community Erythrite crystal takes us on a journey inward and then guides us to show up in whatever way we are meant to serve or lead in the various communities that we are a part of. Practice metta or the loving-kindness meditation while holding your Erythrite crystal. After meditating hold your stone and intentionally contemplate how you can truly be of service to your community. Resolution This is a useful stone to work with when seeking a solution to a particular issue or guidance on your life path in general. Erythrite guides us through inner work, contemplation of multidimensional perspectives, and the physical embodiment to implement solutions. It can also help with finding a middle ground. Attune to the energy of Erythrite for this purpose by holding your stone and practicing deep breathwork for at least 11 minutes. This practice will raise your vibration and bring you clarity and inspiration for resolution.

Currently, Erie works on board the Galaxy, collecting samples and data sent to her by Spurrite down on Earth. She's bored out of her mind and wants to explore Earth, too, but Fordite has yet to give her the orders to leave the ship.

6,800 Years Ago Erythrite was formed.

6,500 Years Ago Erythrite defected from Homeworld and joined the underground.

3,000 Years Ago Team Galaxy recruited Sea Jasper and Erythrite from the underground.

  • exploring new places
  • learning/discovering new things
  • lights and glowy things
  • ice cream
  • animals
  • homeworld
  • being told what to do
  • rainy/stormy days
  • large crowds
  • deep deep space or water

  • Powers
  • Powers
  • Powers
  • Limits
  • Limits
  • Limits


fusion name
[component x component]


  • Erie dated Lian while she stayed at the Underground.
  • fun fact!
  • fun fact!

Artist Notes

  • The gemstone on her stomach is not an accessory! It's crucial to her design and must always be included.
  • Her hair fades from red to pink and she has brighter pink highlights.
  • notes

Character Credits

Code by Aurorean