Iron's Comments

Forgot to ping your main sry ^^ BloomingFoxx 

Hey ^^ I would like to buy iron if he's still available:3

If yes pls contact me on twitter VioletSnowLeo 

Absolutely! And no worries about the ping XD

I don't use twitter much. I always forget to check it x.x so I hope it's alright I DM you thru here. Easiest for me to keep track of sales as well!

No problem ^^ 

I hope you accept PayPal:3

I have just one question 

Is it possible to change some small part's of his design? For example I wanted to give him a curled tail bc that's so adorable ^ ^

I do! I sent you my paypal via msg!

Yeah that's alright to do! :D

Alright  thank you very much:3

Paid it ^^

I'm really unfamiliar with toyhouse but I hope everyone works XD

I got him^^ Thank you very much :3 I love his design so much TwT