


5 years, 3 months ago


Real name: Elieithyia Tethys

Aliases: El, Ellie, Marybeth

Sex: Female

Occupation: Embodiment of Lust

Height: 5’5”

Weight : 142 lbs

Hair: Dark brown

Age: Unknown

Favorite color: Reds

About: Ellie is a vampiric spirit that has no true form but many guises. Using these guises to lure both men and women into a false sense of security, to which she uses to feed off of them. Usually feeding off of them until she goes to search for her next host. Feeding not only includes blood, but also the host’s life energy.

Typically goes after the more innocent type of people, occasionally playing the damsel in distress. If damsel in distress does not work, she will change her appearance and try a different method until she succeeds. Most of her feeding is done through sex, however, she can feed from any type of interaction.

Loves toying with people and bringing out raw emotions. She acts sweet, kind, and helpful, but typically drives people crazy because she’s a nudist behind closed doors.