Allegany's Comments

Would love to purchase if available. :)

oh gosh, i'm so sorry for the late reply! i don't often check this account. i'm definitely still open to selling them if you still wanted them.
just hit up my paypal at [email protected] if you were still interested & I'll send them on over <3

No worries! Just sent payment from email address [email protected] :)

Does anyone on my th interest you?

oh gosh, i'm so sorry for the delay seeing this! I don't often check this account ;; that said, I really appreciate the offer but unfortunately didn't see anyone I would wind up using. Thank you so much for the interest though! I sincerely appreciate it <3

May i purchase them if they're still available?

thank you + sure thing!! just send it over to please!! 

payment sent! tysm ;;

thank you so so much!! sending em now! ;v;

Could I offer a character trade for them? ;o ; 

yeah absolutely!! is there anyone in specific you wanted to offer?

Only the first two folders are off limits! Everywhere else is tentative/free game! :3c

I actually got a cash offer and I am a bit worried about money but if that doesn’t go through I’ll letcha know!! 

That sounds good to me! 💜