


5 years, 4 months ago


Pronouns: he/him

Height: 6’7

Birthday: July 21st

Appearance: A tall, very built shiba inu boy. His hair is blonde and well-kept, it gets very fluffy near the bottom. Wears a tan petticoat around the waist, and a white fitted t-shirt with blue shirt pocket. Wears black pants as well with tan working boots. He has fluffy eyebrows and always wears a kind expression.

Personality: One of the kindest boys.... always wanting to help others and loves making people smile. He’s very reserved but he isn’t shy at all, he’s actually super outgoing and loves talking to people. He is a lil bit of a neat freak, but thats alright. Hairdressing is his passion and he enjoys giving people free haircuts. For now, he tends to work under Eleanor in multiple jobs. Shibai is also a very sensitive doggy and cries SO easily, he doesn’t handle conflict very well at all.

Likes: Hairdressing, making people smile and laugh, romantic comedies, working on group projects, helping others when he can

Dislikes: People who aren't considerate of others, horror movies, seeing conflicts, looking unkempt, having his hair petted without warning (because it messes it up)