Stella the hedgehog



5 years, 4 months ago


Stella the hedgehog


February 11th
~95 cm

Neutral with evil tendencies

  • Music, singing
  • Her star companion, Starry
  • Danger, adrenaline
  • Fast rides



Stella is the eldest daughter of Berry and Shadow. She is an hyperactive and stubborn little rascal who developed a passion for singing when she was a child. She actually becomes a famous popstar in her town and loves to perform concerts at weekends - she is known as "Shooting Star Bella Stella", her stage name.

Personality traits

✮ She's outgoing, cocky, egocentric, proud, over-confident

✮ She's an attention-seeker, hot-blooded, cheeky, always happy and good vibes

✮ She has a hard time focusing and is impatient

✮ She's more of a tomboy, would never touch a dress, she despises girly stuff

✮ She loves to defy her parents and teacher's authority. She often skips lessons because she's always bored at school. Terrible grades.

✮ She's very sociable, and loves to meet new people

✮ She loves to use sarcasm and snob people who like her

✮ She becomes quickly attached to people and is very fond of them. When she makes a friend, she's fully devoted to the friendship. Basically, it's "all or nothing"

✮ She's very creative especially in the musical field


✦ Chaos energy (unexploited yet, and not aware she has it)

✦ She has a pretty strong kick and punch, she's naturally agile and acrobatic

✦ Her voice is so powerful that it can break things and turn you deaf for a few minutes if she pushes it to the max (a reference to Pearl, Splatoon)


✘ She has a lack of endurance but trains hard to improve it

✘ Water makes her completely useless

✘ She often puts herself in bad situations due to her love of adrenaline and danger, and over-confidence, she fears nothing

✘ She creates problems more than she solves them due to her anger issues and impatience and often pays the consequences of her behavior


✸ She often cat-fights with her younger sister Aelita, due to their completely different tempers and personalities. But she always looks after her and protects her, and promised her to always be by her side.

✸ She has a secret admiration for Dr Eggman's intelligence and mechs. She often made up scenarios in her head of becoming his associate when she grows older. She often jokes about it, but it indicates what her future might look like. She designed her outfit herself, and it is obviously inspired by Eggman's.

✸ She also looks up to her aunt Viv and her evilness.

✸ Growing up, she has the tendency to lean on the evil side more and more, and at the adult age, she let dr. Eggman manipulate her and does become his associate, which breaks the promise she had made her sister when they were younger.

✸ Despite her interest in Dr Eggman, she would do anything for her loved ones. She doesn't hesitate to protect her family members if that means she'll pay for it.

✸ Her shoes are equipped with retractable jets, allowing her to either glide/skate with them or run normally. However her speed level doesn't match that of her father.

✸ She's not too comfortable with love demonstration, physical contact and affection.

✸ She is always seen with her star companion Starry, a little creature that ressembles a Luma. She found it near a child's playground when she was 5, injured and dying. The little girl decided to bring it home with her and help heal it, and quickly she adopted it and named it "Starry".

✸ Basically, disaster child

Ever since she was a toddler, Stella always loved defying her mom's authority and making her chase her around the house and the garden. She loves her mother and admires her beauty, but doesn't find too many common traits with her. She adores pranking her and surprising her, and always asks for her opinions on newer songs she writes.

Stella always had an unconditional admiration for her father's strength and wishes to become as strong as him one day. Although none of them easily demonstrate their affection, they spend a lot of time together, Shadow wanting to transmit his daughter his knowledge and multiple experiences. Stella didn't know about her father's origins until she became a teenager.

Aelita is younger than Stella by one year only, but has always showed more maturity than her. Both sisters have complete different tempers hobbies and tastes, and often argue, but love each other unconditionally. When they were kids, Stella would sometimes feel jealous of the attention her sister would bring on her due to her disability, but that jealousy faded away over time, replaced by the desire to preserve and protect her. Stella promised Aelita she would never leave her side, but unfortunately as she grew older and leaned toward evil manners, the sisters started to become distant, and finally, when reaching the adult age, Stella will end up breaking her promise when she decides to join Dr. Eggman's side after being manipulated by him.

Since little, Stella has always looked up to her aunt Viv, for her evilness and power. She was always excited to spend time with her when Berry asked Viv to babysit her and Aelita. Viv also loved to spoil her nieces with gifts and be the best aunt for them. She was one of Stella's influences growing up.

After fixing things with Berry and learning that she was expecting a baby, Amethyst promised herself she would be present for her grand daughter and not make any more mistakes - she made it her priority instead of her job. She can be a little too affectionate and too clingy for Stella, but she loves her grandma.

Stella has never met her grandfather, as Berry never talked to him again ever since their last encounter at G.U.N. Berry never hid his identity from her daughter, as well as she never lied about who he is and how he hurt her, and explained her the reason why she cut ties with him. It's not impossible that the two encounter each other at G.U.N. as Stella has probably showed up at the base more than once with her father.

Spear is someone who has always been present in the life of Berry's daughters as the two were close childhood friends. Since he is like a brother to Berry, he also always acted like an uncle to Stella and Aelita, and they like to refer to him as it. They also grew up alongside Spear's children, which they see as part of a big family together.

Rush the hedgehog Rival/Friend

When they first met, Stella disliked his chilled and naive attitude which she found annoying, and loved to bully him. As Rush demonstrated her that he was capable of running extremely fast and possessed an important strength just like her, Stella saw a rival in him and has wanted to compete with him to prove him she was better than him. Overtime, the rivalry actually turned into a fun game between them, creating a friendship, with still a hint of rivalry at times. As much as she hates to admit it, Stella is fond of him and cares deeply for him, but always calls him an idiot when she's embarrassed.

Stella and May both like to have attention on them, which was the start of their rivalry when they were younger. Both of them went to the same school and practically grew up together, and if at times they would seem to finally get along, there was always something that would trigger a fight and the rivalry between them again, wether it be general disagreement on diverse topics, their different tastes, or even... Rush, the guy that they both like. Unfortunately for them, Rush usually stays away from their drama when they want him to side with either of them. May also gets along with Stella's sister Aelita fairly well, which tends to annoy Stella even more. Deep down, they don't hate each other, but they just don't know how to be friends.

Dr. Eggman Future associate

Dr. Eggman is another individual who has had influence on Stella over the years and who she secretly admires. Her parents tried to preserve her and explained her why she should stay away from him, which she agreed on, recognizing he was a dangerous individual, but it didn't impact her vision of him. She considers him a genius and likes to imagine what it'd be like if she ever joined his side, in search of power... Eggman saw the potential in Stella as soon as she learned to walk, and has perceived her strength and signs that she possesses Chaos Energy that had yet to be exploited. He had wanted to kidnap her when she was younger in vain, and thought it'd be a better idea to wait until she's capable of exploiting that Chaos Energy and become stronger. Knowing that she was greedy for power, he had planed everything, knowing just how to trick her into becoming his associate as she'll reach the adulthood.