


5 years, 4 months ago



beans' stats were raised by implants and intense training :)

  1. name: "beans" / redacted
  2. age: 23
  3. species: human ( fursona = mutt; australian shepherd, whippet, vizsla mix )
  4. gender/sexuality: gay trans man
  5. alignment: chaotic good
  6. factions: WILD CARD; followers of the apocalypse, boomers, freeside, goodsprings.
  7. relationship status: Its Complicated
  8. personality: beans is a very passionate, opinionated person--he will tell you what he thinks and be up front about it, he isn't going to waste time beating around the bush. this makes him a good communicator in relationships, but a lot of people have a problem with his brutal honesty. criticism aimed at him, however, rolls right off his back, and he has a very warm aura; he sees life as a big journey and loves it. he would never abandon something without having tried it once. he values honesty and generosity most in others, and he'd put himself in harms way to protect others. due to his chaotic nature, he tends to see violence as a valid solution. he is the friend that recommends you castrate your shitty boyfriend. despite his bright disposition, he has the occasional bout of depression, which manifests in him drifting through life in a sort of haze. before he was THE courier, he was a selfish, self-centered bastard who hurt many people, and this haunts him; he can become consumed with guilt over it as he lays in bed going over his memories like a movie. because of this, he feels the need to 'help' his friends and protect them from his fate, often taking a therapist or mentor role, injecting his experience into other people's conversations and problems.


holland, 1945 (neutral milk hotel)
australia (the shins)
walking (the dodos)
the past is a grotesque animal (of montreal)
bad things (cults)
a walk through hell (say anything)
twice as hard (interpol)
wake up (arcade fire)


"to die will be an awfully big adventure." - J.M. BARRIE, peter pan

"be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - OSCAR WILDE

"toads can be useful in exterminating ants. if you are bothered by ants, let half a dozen toads loose in the house. in a very short time you will no longer have ants. of course you will still have toads. a man who should know has said: 'the toad shows certain excellences of moral or intellectual character.' i don't go that far, but i think they're nice to have around. better than ants, certainly." - the press democrat, santa rosa, california, march 20, 1951

"are you gonna pick those penne noodles out of the boiling water one by one like a man, or are you gonna use a strainer like some kind of democrat?" - gothicprep @ tumblr

"IM NOT A FACEBOOK STATUS. YOU DONT HAVE TO 'LIKE' ME." -facebook mom memes probably